378.Speak With My Fist

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"Mrs. Jeon, everything started because of me," Jennie decided. She bent down to pick up a cigarette box, wanting to smoke one, but she failed several times because her hands were trembling. Jennie felt useless. It was okay if she couldn't protect herself, but she had brought others into trouble.

Jennie felt like crying. Regret and despair interweaved in her. She bit the tip of her tongue hard, trying to calm herself down. The rusty smell of blood spread in her mouth. As the pain struck her, she finally stabilized her trembling hands and lit a cigarette. "It's only smoking. I'll smoke two cigarettes. This matter has nothing to do with Miss Jeon either."

"You kids do not need to worry about anything with me around," Just as Jennie was about to put the cigarette to her mouth, a fair and tender hand stopped her.

Lisa calmly threw the cigarette on the ground, ignoring those who felt sorry for the cigarette. She tied her long hair, revealing her delicate facial features. "Since we failed to negotiate, I'll have to speak with my fist."

Lisa unbuttoned her windbreaker with a smirk. She casually threw it on the ground. Her pajamas were a top and pants, which were loose and comfortable. They would not restrict her movements. Before the man in the flowery shirt could react, Lisa gave him an uppercut fist.


The man in the flowery shirt's stunned expression froze on his face. Lisa caught him off guard and Lisa punched him on his chin. He accidentally bit his tongue, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"D*mn it! You are pushing it!" The man in the flowery shirt wiped the corner of his mouth and mumbled, "go, get them! Beat them until they listen to me!"

Those men attacked Lisa without hesitation when they heard his order.

"Stay away and protect yourself," Lisa tilted her head and warned Jieun and Jennie. Then, she clenched her fists and fought. Her movements were fast and clean. Her fists were strong. She was so beautiful that it looked like she was performing art.

Jieun was initially a little worried. Now that she saw how powerful Lisa was, she clenched her fists and looked at Lisa with hope. Her sister-in-law was so handsome.

Lisa was gorgeous and often gave people a delicate and fragile feeling, making them feel they should keep her with care at home. Her tender and fair wrist could knock down a man with one punch when she fought. Her straight and slender legs could kick down two men in one go!

She was like a warrior.

Jieun lowered her voice and shrieked. She couldn't help but jump around on the spot, "Ahh! My sister-in-law is so cool!"

Lisa did not waste any time and ended the battle quickly.

The man in the flowery shirt looked at his men lying on the ground. He stared coldly at Lisa, "Mrs. Jeon, I advise you not to provoke those you shouldn't have provoked."

"Those people you shouldn't have provoked? You were the ones who provoked the kids first." After beating up so many people, when Lisa was still steady even though she panted a little. She stared at the man and said, "no matter who is the person you are working with, if you dare to do anything to anyone in the Jeon family, I'll never let you go. Also, use lesser despicable tricks and more honorable methods. You are a human. Why are you choosing the wrong path when you can do something right?"

"Sister-in-law!" Jieun rushed over with a face full of admiration and handed Lisa the windbreaker she had picked up earlier. "Here's your coat."

Lisa paused. Her cold expression instantly softened. She gently stroked Jieun's hair, took the windbreaker, and put it on. After buttoning it up, she said, "Let's go."

"Aren't we going to call the police?" Jieun glanced at the things on the table and asked softly, "I guess there are prohibited items in their cigarettes." She knew that her sister-in-law had received a compliment from the police before. If she encountered a bad person, she would call the police.

Lisa's had other thoughts in mind. She lowered her head and said, "Let's not call the police yet. It's not the right time. Calling the police at this time would only alert the enemy. Who knows, the person behind them might even escape.

Jieun did not understand these things and scratched her head in confusion. Anyway, she would listen to her sister-in-law. If her sister-in-law said not to call the police, then she would not call the police. Her sister-in-law knew what she was doing. Jieun just had to listen obediently.

The three of them walked out of the private room one after another. The man in the flowery shirt stared at their backs with a sinister gaze. Then, he wiped the blood off his face. He took out his phone and made a call. "The fish slipped away." After cursing, the person on the other end of the phone said something. The man in the flowery shirt suddenly laughed sinisterly. "Okay, I won't let them escape again next time."

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