333.What Are You Guys Talking About

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Now that Mina and Tzuyu had gotten into an argument, many people started to dislike Mina. They even started to resist the movie "Missing girl".

During the filming break, Mina carried her textbook and worked hard on her homework. The female lead of "Missing girl", Li Xin walked over with a face full of worry. Then, she saw Mina studying hard and burst into a laughter, "Hah, I was worried about you for nothing. You have no time to care about the comments on the internet."

The male lead, Qin Mingxiang, also walked over because he was worried. He pursed his lips and said, "It's better if we don't care. Those people on the internet love to make up stories. No matter what they say, we'll speak with our own work. Let's see what else they can say."

Due to the theme of "Missing Girl," the movie cast some older actors. The main actors that Baekhyun had chosen were all actors who were very skillful and experienced but not so popular. These people either had bad luck or simply enjoyed acting. They did not bother about fame much, so most of them were good actors despite being unpopular. These people were used to the ups and downs of the entertainment industry, so they had very good mentalities. They took extra care of Mina who was the youngest and had a talent for acting. The atmosphere on the set was also very good. Thus, everyone was so angry when they saw the news online. They were also worried about Mina who faced this situation for the first time. Hence, they sent Qin Mingxiang and Li Xin to check on her. However, Mina was so engrossed in her studies that she was not aware of the news at all.

"Brother Qin, Sister Xin, what are you guys talking about?" Mina's mind was still stuck on the textbook syllabus. When she heard Qin Mingxiang and Li Xin's words, she raised her head innocently and asked, "What news? Who's that? What happened?"

"Take a look for yourself," Li Xin unlocked her phone and handed it to Mina.

Coincidentally, Baekhyun had just found out on the news too. Seeing that they had gathered together, he frowned. "Have you all been informed about this?"

"Two days ago when I was on vacation, I asked Sister Lisa to go shopping together. I didn't expect to be photographed." Mina quickly scanned the news and asked Baekhyun while holding her phone, "Director, did I cause trouble for the team? Hmm... Shall I clarify things together with Sister Lisa and Tzuyu?" Speaking of that, Mina felt somewhat wronged. She felt alright to beg Lisa, but she was extremely reluctant to ask Tzuyu for a favor. She didn't like to feel inferior to Tzuyu due to her ego. Mina lowered her head unhappily.

When Mina received her salary, the first thing she wanted to do was to buy gifts for Lisa, Haruto, and Mingyu apart from giving money to her parents. That was why she invited Lisa to go shopping together. However, she didn't expect this to happen. It was all her fault. As a celebrity, she didn't even wear a mask when she went out.

"What? What for?" Baekhyun waved his hand and said indifferently, "It is not nice for us to ask Miss Lee to solve everything. It's not a big deal anyway. Don't worry about it."

Mina was a little uneasy as she said, "But it would affect the film, right? I saw it online that they wouldn't watch 'Missing Girl' because of this."

Seeing Mina's guilty look, Baekhyun was amused. "It's fine if it doesn't affect you and the filming schedule. They will come and support the film if our movie is good. Those people who are clamoring to boycott our movie on the internet, didn't plan to watch our movie anyway."

Baekhyun didn't seem to care about this matter. Li Xin tried to enlighten Mina too, "Silly girl, I'm not showing you this so that you can provide a solution. I'm worried that you'll be upset when you see it. As the director said, don't think about this matter anymore. As an actor, it is normal for us to become the public's topic."

"That's right. This matter is nothing. In our industry, there are many things that are exaggerated by others." Qin Mingxiang advised, "Don't worry, let's put it this way. Their discussion will make our movie more popular."

Seeing that they didn't blame her, Mina heaved a sigh of relief. She scratched her head and giggled. The crew of "Missing Girl" didn't take this incident to heart. On the other side, Wu Yu took this to heart.

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