232.Must Not Be Left Alive

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"Let go of me!" Yeri screamed, "B*tch, how dare you treat me like this!" She had never been so humiliated before! Being ridiculed in front of so many people, she wanted nothing more than to immediately find a hole to hide in.

"Yeri, I advise you to be obedient." Lisa flung her hand away coldly. Then, she sneered, "Otherwise, I'm afraid that I won't be able to control myself and beat you until even your mother can't recognize you. Also, there's no need to apologize." Lisa seemed to have thought of something. She curled her lips, but there was no hint of a smile in her clear black and white eyes. She said, "I've never understood what it means to take a step back. I only know an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!"

Lisa originally wanted to protect her family and live her life peacefully. She could choose not to fight, but if these people were unwilling to let her go, then what was the point of enduring all these? She had never been someone who let herself be aggrieved. Even if this fate required her to surrender, she would face it head-on, even if she had to kowtow until her forehead bled!

Lisa's eyes flashed with determination. It was as if some shackles on her body had been completely broken. Her entire person was like an unsheathed sharp sword, unstoppable. Seeing that she had been reborn in an instant, Sehun narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sense of unease arose in his heart. He felt as if something had unknowingly escaped from his control. This feeling made him particularly uncomfortable. He could not help but clench his fists and a hint of hostility appeared in his eyes. His intuition told him that Lisa could not be left alive! The existence of this woman would definitely become a stumbling block for him.

Sehun's instincts had always been very accurate, and he could not help but feel a murderous intent rise in his heart. Jungkook sensed his hostility, and his dark eyes turned cold, his gaze piercing over like a knife. No one could touch a hair on Lisa's head, he would never allow it!

Facing Jungkook's warning gaze, Sehun's eyes flashed, and he pulled Yeri up. He said, "Don't waste time with them, we still have other serious matters to do."

Kai was in the hospital with Jennie. Sehun was responsible for coming to the police station to follow up on the progress.

Seeing that Sehun was about to leave, Lisa suddenly said, "Second Young Master Kim, you've done so many shameful things. Aren't you afraid of having nightmares when you return in the middle of the night?"

Sehun's body froze. He turned around with a ghost of a smile and replied, "I don't know what you're talking about, Miss Lee."

"Is that so?" Lisa's face was cold, she stared at him carefully. Then she continued, "I hope you really don't know what I'm talking about, Second Young Master Kim. After all, I've heard rumors that the souls of those who died unjustly would linger around the culprit who killed them. I wonder if you would feel a chill down your spine sometimes and feel uneasy."

"If you don't do anything wrong, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door." Sehun's face was calm. He smiled slightly at Lisa's gaze and hid the malice in his eyes. He continued, "Miss Lee, you should believe in science. Don't be so superstitious."

Lisa's words made the killing intent in Sehun's heart even more intense. He was not sure what Lisa knew. He only knew that this woman, Lisa, must not be left alive!

As if she did not sense the killing intent emanating from Sehun, Lisa lowered her eyes and calmly said, "The heavens are watching. Second Young Master Kim, take care of yourself." After saying that, she turned her head away from Sehun, and Jungkook took a step forward at the right time, blocking Sehun's line of sight as well as that malicious gaze.

Jungkook's eyes were cold, and his voice carried a threat as he said, "I really don't like the way you're looking at my wife, Second Young Master Kim. This will make me want to gouge your eyes out." His voice was cold, and his expression was serious. It was as though he was really considering how to gouge Sehun's eyes out.


Sehun was shocked. He knew that Jungkook really had the ability to do so. After all, he was... facing Jungkook, the youngest person in power. Sehun felt a chill run down his spine. Sehun had no choice but to temporarily retreat. He replied, "CEO Jeon, you must be joking." He remained calm on the surface, but the hand that was holding Yeri tightened. The pain from his tightened hand grip almost made Yeri cry out on the spot.

Turning around and walking out of the police station, Yeri bit her lip and questioned with a sobbing tone, "Sehun, you hurt me just now, you..."


Sehun turned around and slapped Yeri's face. Because he had used too much force, a strand of his well-groomed hair hung down, covering his eyes that were seeing red and filled with madness. He shouted, "You useless thing!"

"You hit me?" Yeri widened her eyes in disbelief with tears in her eyes. Facing Sehun's malicious gaze, she felt a chill run down her spine. She said, "Sehun, are you still a man? Lisa provoked you, but you didn't dare to touch her. So, you only dare to take it out on me? If you have the ability, then go hit Lisa. If you have the ability, then hit Lisa in front of Jungkook!"

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