376.Teach Me a Lesson?

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"Who? Who slapped me?" Jennie was only drunk and not unconscious. After two slaps, she was almost sober. She suddenly stood up and looked around, eyes wide open, looking a little angry.

Lisa pursed her lips and grabbed the ice jug on the table. She splashed the water on Jennie's face.

"Ahh! Are you insane?" The bone-chilling cold water and ice cubes smashed down on Jennie's face. Jennie stood up abruptly from the sofa, and her remaining tipsiness faded a little. She shouted, "who is... Mrs. Jeon?" She stared at the Lisa, who had a cold expression. Her anger subsided gradually.

"Are you awake now?" Lisa lifted her head and looked at Jennie. "if you're not awake, there is still ice water on the table."

"I'm awake," Jennie shuddered at the thought of being splashed in the face with cold water. She looked around and came back to her senses. "I... Didn't I come out to have fun with my best friend? Where are we? Who are these people? Why are you and Jieun here, Mrs. Jeon?"


"You asked so many questions. Which one should I answer?" Jieun was speechless. "I was here with my friends. I happened to see someone carrying you into this private room drunk. I feared something might happen to you, so I followed you here." Jieun explained the situation to Jennie in short. Jennie realized something wrong. She knew that if it weren't for Jieun, she would have fallen into the trap. The cigarette lit on the table did not smell right. Someone probably had added some drug to it.

"Who is the person who wants to destroy my life?" Jennie had a complicated thought. It was hard to believe that her best friend, who she had played with since childhood, had betrayed her. Thinking about how her best friend had smiled and persuaded her to drink, Jennie couldn't convince herself her best friend wasn't the culprit.

"Did something cross your mind? Being overly naive will only bring danger to yourself and the people around you," Lisa's eyes landed on Jennie. She said calmly, "Miss Kim, this is the second time. Since you have chosen to compete for the right to inherit the Kim Group, you should not be so naive and let yourself fall into such a situation again." When Jennie chose to inherit the Kim Group, she must face many enemies. Not only Sehun but also many people who did not want her to inherit the Kim Group or those who wanted to take advantage of the change of the Kim Group. Under such circumstances, if Jennie continued to trust everyone easily, she would only destroy herself.

When Jennie chose this path, she should have prepared herself. But now, she had put herself in danger again. She had coincidentally met Jieun these two times, but she might not be lucky the next time.

That was the first time Jieun had seen Lisa speak so harshly. The expression on her face was cold. In the past, even if Hyunjinhad caused trouble and Yeonjun had done something wrong, her sister-in-law would always be calm. She would never show such an expression.

Jennie was stunned. It was as if she was in a daze, or something struck her.

"Sister-in-law, I, I was also impulsive today. I'm sorry," Jieun also felt a little regretful. If Jennie was naive, then she was stupid. Jieun knew something was wrong, yet Jieun still rushed in recklessly. She did not know what would have happened if her sister-in-law had not come in time. Moreover, they did not resolve the matter yet. She might have brought trouble to her sister-in-law because of this matter.

As the thought struck her, tears welled up in Jieun's eyes. She said in a low voice, "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry. I was stupid."

"No, you did well," Seeing Jieun lowering her head in guilt, Lisa's gaze softened. She lifted her hand and stroked Jieun's head. "You are brave, smart, and kind. When you realized something was wrong, you immediately asked me for help. You did great."

There was nothing wrong with being kind. Jieun was kind, but she also knew how to protect herself. It wasn't Jieun who was at fault, but the people before her.

"Are you done?" The man in the flowery shirt was displeased as he looked at Lisa and the others. He sneered, "this is my territory, after all. Since you are here, give me a chance to entertain you, Mrs. Jeon."

"Entertain me?" Lisa sneered and said arrogantly, "who do you think you are?" She despised those shameless men.

"B*tch! Don't push it!" The other man was furious when he heard this. He stood up and cursed, "I will teach you a lesson today. Let's see if you can still be arrogant!" He disliked Lisa because she looked at their boss disdainfully and wanted to let her know who she was dealing with.

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