216.We're All Family

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The development of the west side of the city had just begun, and the specific areas to focus on had yet to be determined. Anyone who wanted to get a piece of the cake in this project would circle Jungkook and Lisa.

Chanyeol could not help but clench his fists. Not everyone could calmly deal with the feeling of falling from a high position. In the past, he was the one who everyone surrounded, but now… Chanyeol’s eyes were filled with obscure emotions.

“Brother.” Irene held Chanyeol’s arm, trying hard not to let her face contort. She lowered her voice and reminded him, “You’re hurting me.”

Irene’s entire outfit today was chosen by Chanyeol. She wore a dress with many layers, like a gift wrapped up and waiting to be opened by others.

Chanyeol looked at her with satisfaction. He relaxed the strength in his hand and said with a faint smile, “You have to be more obedient tonight, understand?”

Irene met his dangerous gaze and couldn’t help but cower. She nodded desperately and replied, “I understand!”

“Great, that’s my good sister.” Chanyeol’s smile deepened.

“Mr. Bae!” At this time, a middle-aged man with a big beer belly walked over with a big laugh. As he shook hands with Chanyeol, he said, “Why are you here? Didn’t you go out to chat with the others?”

“Mr. Feng.” Chanyeol revealed a gentle smile. Then, he took the initiative to introduce Irene, “This is my sister, Bae Irene.”

Mr. Feng’s face was full of fat. After socializing for a long time, his oily face and small eyes, which were almost invisible due to the layers of meat on his face, fell on Irene. He didn’t move for a long time. After a while, he said, “This is your sister, Mr. Bae? She is really good-looking.” An obscene and vulgar glint was revealed in his small eyes.

Irene bit her lower lip in embarrassment. Under Chanyeol’s gaze, she forced a smile and greeted, “Hello, Uncle Feng.”

“Aiyo, what do you mean by ‘Uncle’?” Mr. Feng laughed and reached out his hand. “I’m not much older than your brother. Just call me Brother Feng.”

Not much older? At this age, he could already be her father! Irene felt nauseous, especially when Mr. Feng held her hand and refused to let go. A pair of pig-like chubby hands kept rubbing the back of her hand. Irene’s hairs stood on end. She resisted the urge to scream and pulled her hand back. Her face was stiff as she said, “Feng- Mr. Feng…” she couldn’t call him ‘Brother Feng’.

“Irene is young, so she’s shy,” Chanyeol smiled gracefully and said apologetically, “Please don’t take offense, Mr. Feng.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. We’re all family!” Mr. Feng smiled brightly.

Family? Irene raised her head abruptly. Her face was as white as snow, and she looked at Chanyeol in disbelief. But he didn’t even glance at her. He was talking to Mr. Feng with a smile. One had the surname Feng, and the other had the surname Bae. How would they become a family? Thinking of that possibility, Irene’s ears rang, and her vision went black. She didn’t even know when Mr. Feng had left.


Seeing her absent-minded state, Chanyeol couldn’t help but frown. His voice turned cold as he said, “Irene, what’s with your expression?”

“Brother…” Irene didn’t care about anything else. She grabbed his as though she was holding on for dear life. Full of hope, she asked, “What does Mr. Feng mean by that? What did he mean by ‘We’re a family’? Does he have a daughter who wants to marry you, Brother?”

“What nonsense are you talking about?” The corner of Chanyeol’s mouth twitched. He continued, “I’m engaged to Park Sooyoung. How can I marry someone else?” Although the Park family’s return to the country was not smooth, they had a lot of influence abroad. He would not let Sooyoung go unless he was crazy.

“Then, then does Mr. Feng have a son?” Irene tried hard to imagine and forced a smile. She asked, “He wants me to spend some time with his son?”

Irene thought that she could accept a marriage with the son of a nouveau riche, as long as it was not Mr. Feng himself. Unfortunately, Chanyeol mercilessly destroyed her imagination. He replied, “Mr. Feng doesn’t have a son, and I do need you to marry him. Your marriage partner is precisely Mr. Feng.”

Mr. Feng’s original status was not good enough to render such a match. But what if he was the big boss of the West Development Zone? The residential area where the commercial street activities were held previously was all under Mr. Feng’s name. Now, he was living in his days of brilliance, and he had divorced his fierce wife. He was now a popular bachelor, and his value had increased by many times. Anyone who wanted to get a share of the west side of the city had to get close to Mr. Feng first.

Chanyeol lowered his eyes and warned in a low voice, “Behave well and don’t offend Mr. Feng. Do you understand?”

“Are you crazy? “Do you really not care about your family?” Irene screamed, “That old and ugly man is almost old enough to be my father! And you actually want me to marry him! Bae Chanyeol, I’m your sister! Your biological sister!”

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