360.Snatch Her Away From Me

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"Set her free?" Jungkook pursed his thin lips and looked at Hanbin coldly. He suddenly lifted his leg and kicked Hanbin. "in your dreams!" He kicked Hanbin mercilessly in the stomach. Hanbin cried in pain and fell on a bouquet.

Nancy covered her mouth and screamed, "Brother Hanbin, are you alright?"

"My wife is not a woman anyone can covet!" Jungkook did not stop there. He stepped on Hanbin's face as he sneered and said, "When my wife married me, she was already a member of the Jeon family. Do you think you can snatch her away from me?"

The red carpet on the stage was not cold, but Hanbin felt a chill running down his spine. Looking at Jungkook's murderous gaze and stern face, his hands were trembling, and his face was pale. He felt humiliated and timid because he was afraid of Jungkook.

Hanbin tried to roll his eyes and met Jungkook's eyes. There was an unexcelled disdain in Jungkook's eyes as if he was worse than a dog to Jungkook.


"Mr. Jeon, do you think you can have everything just because you have money and power?" The rationality in Hanbin's heart broke down because of jealousy and shame. He struggled to break off Jungkook's subdue. He rose and roared, "the person that Lisa likes is me, and the person who should be with her is also me! If you hadn't interfered, today should be my engagement ceremony with Lisa! She belongs to me!"

Hanbin roared crazily and clenched his fists as he threw them at Jungkook with all his might. The microphone fell to the ground with a loud, ear-piercing sound. Hearing Hanbin's arrogant words, Jungkook's expression turned cold. He grabbed Hanbin by the collar and punched Hanbin continuously.

Soon, Hanbin fell to the ground. Blood smudged his face. Jungkook squatted down and tugged at Hanbin's tie. He looked at Hanbin with hatred as he said, "No one can snatch Lisa away from me. Don't let me hear your nonsense again. Otherwise, don't blame me for killing you!" His deep, serene eyes were like the sea's calm surface, hiding the raging waves. His killing intent was overflowing.

Hanbin's pupils constricted.

As they silently confronted each other, they heard the crisp sound of high heels as Lisa walked over gracefully and calmly. She looked at the two men with her eyelids drooped. No one could see her emotions.

"Lisa..." Hanbin's eyes revealed hope as he looked at her with anticipation. "I know I was wrong. Can you believe that I love you now? You... are you going to agree to my request?"

Jungkook suddenly tightened his grip. He felt that he had been too lenient just now. "I should have beaten Hanbin to death!" With this thought in mind, he clenched his fists and continued to attack.

"Mr. Jeon!" Madam Lim could not help but scream below the stage. She looked at the wounded Hanbin with both pain and anger. She pounced on him while crying. "enough! Stop hitting my son. You will kill him if you continue hitting." Her heart filled with hatred and pain. She glared fiercely at Lisa, wishing she could get rid of Lisa. It was all because of this b*tch seducing Hanbin. Otherwise, things wouldn't have turned out like this.

Madam Lim's anger did not cause much of a change in Lisa's expression. Her smooth black hair draped over her back, accentuating her elegance and beauty. No one dared to look at her directly.

"Lisa," Jungkook's heart sank slightly. He suddenly felt a little uneasy as he gulped. He stood up and looked at Lisa. Then, he called out her name, but he had no idea what to say next.

Lisa lifted her head and looked at him coldly. That pair of clear eyes seemed to see through all the violence and darkness in his heart. Jungkook clenched his fists and remained silent.

"Microphone," Lisa opened her hands. Her nails were round and beautiful, and her skin was smooth as cream. It was like a work of art. For some reason, the host in the corner subconsciously bent down to pick up the microphone and handed it to Lisa. It was as if she was born to be so high and mighty, to be serviced by others.

Jungkook stopped the host's actions. He took the microphone, took out a handkerchief, and carefully wiped it clean before handing it over to Lisa. His dark eyes stared at her, and he called out again, "Lisa." His eyes, suppressing his deep emotions, revealed a pleading gaze at the moment, like a pitiful dog waiting for its master's judgment.

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