230.The Car Exploded

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The ruthlessness and viciousness in Jungkook's eyes gradually faded. He leaned closer to Lisa and kissed her wound through the down jacket. He said, "But I came too late so you got injured, my wife."

"This is not your fault," Lisa said as she shook her head.

"No, your injuries are my fault." Jungkook lowered his eyes and did not care about the blood and dirt on Lisa's body. He kissed the hideous wound on her arm. He somberly said, "Those who hurt my wife will have to pay the price." The darkness in his eyes darkened even further. It seemed as though the bloodthirstiness in his gaze could not disperse, and his body was filled with cold killing intent.

The others felt a chill when they saw this Jungkook, but Lisa felt her heart burn and soften. By the time the police car arrived, those gangsters had already been caught, and even Irene had been caught red-handed.

Lisa looked at Irene, who was about to be escorted into the police car. Her eyes were cold as she asked Irene, "Was it worth it to have come this far?"

"I only hate myself for not being decisive enough!" Irene's face was ferocious as she glared fiercely at Lisa. She blamed Lisa for Mei's imprisonment and everything that had happened to her up until now. It was Lisa who had caused her to become like this!

Jungkook's eyes were filled with coldness. He took a step forward and said, "Then you can slowly repent in prison. The legal team of the Jeon Corporation will keep you in prison for the rest of your life."

Facing Jungkook, Irene cowered in fear, but she was still unwilling to accept it. She rebutted, "Jeon Jungkook, you will regret it. You will definitely regret it!" What was so good about Lisa that she could actually make him fall head over heels for her?!

"You don't have to worry about that," Jungkook's expression was cold. He icily said, "Everything I did for my wife, I did them willingly." So no matter what the outcome would be in the future, he was willing to endure it.

"Irene, who exactly instructed you to do this?" Lisa's eyes narrowed slightly. Finally, she asked, "As long as you tell the truth, I can help you get the lightest punishment." There was someone hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to attack Lisa again at any time. This kind of feeling was very bad.

"You want to know?" Irene suddenly raised her lips and laughed loudly, "Bah, I won't tell you. I want to see, I want to see how you die with my own eyes!"

"Get in the car!" The female police officer who came along pushed Irene. After a while, the police car slowly drove away. Lisa felt a sense of uneasiness for some reason.

"My wife, let's go home." Jungkook stood by the car, opened the door, and looked at Lisa in the bleak cold wind. Lisa came back to her senses and chuckled. Seriously, what was she thinking about? Whatever methods that person was going to use to attack her, there would always be a way to deal with it. She threw away all her negative thoughts and got into the car. The police car was in the front, and their car was behind them. The fleet of cars zigzagged forward.

The heater in the car was turned on sufficiently, and Lisa's frozen body gradually warmed up. She turned her head to look at Jungkook's perfect handsome face. It was distant and cold, and his eyes were deep. This made him seem a little out of reach. Lisa could not help but smile slightly. She held his hand and called out, "Jungkook."

Jungkook nodded. The iciness in his dark pupils melted, and he looked at her with a gentle expression. At this moment, a loud sound suddenly rang out. Accompanied by the soaring flames and the inertia brought by the emergency brake, Lisa fell forward and was pulled into Jungkook's arms.

Lisa couldn't care less. She looked up and saw that the police car carrying Irene was already engulfed in flames.

The police station was in a mess. Lisa sat on a stool while Jungkook held her fingertip and applied the medication to her seriously. The medicine touched her wound and brought a slight sting, but Lisa did not seem to feel it. She lowered her eyes and fell into silence.

"Mrs. Jeon." A middle-aged policeman pushed the door open and entered, there was a hint of fatigue in his eyes. "Those men don't know anything. Irene was the one who contacted them unilaterally. Since you've given your statement, you can go back now."

No one had expected that this time, the ending would be like this. The police car suddenly exploded. Irene, the policewoman, and the other two policemen who were sitting in that car did not even have a chance to struggle before they died.

"Have the results of the police car come out?" Lisa's eyes were cold. She asked in a low voice, "Did someone do something to it?"

The middle-aged policeman rubbed his face. His eyes were full of helplessness as he replied, "It's the aging of the exhaust pipe and the leakage of oil from the gas tank..." he couldn't go on. His eyes were red. The three policemen who were sacrificed this time were all young people who had just joined the police force last year. They were at the age where they were full of vigor, but now...

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