365.Take You to the Hotel

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Taking advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention to her, Nancy quietly left the hotel. She put on her coat and walked out of the hotel alone. It was pitch black in the small alley behind the hotel. Nancy stood at the door as she sniffled. She wrapped her coat tightly around her and walked out.

The weather was cold in early spring. Nancy took a deep breath and could not help but sneeze. At this moment, a faint smell of tobacco assailed her nostrils, and she frowned slightly.

A crisp sound came from her side, and a flame lit up. She could vaguely see a figure leaning against the wall with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Uncle Lim?" Nancy was shocked. After seeing the figure clearly, she calmed herself and asked, "why are you here? I thought you had left long ago."

Lim Feng lifted his head and glanced at Nancy. He smiled. "Are you looking for Hanbin?"


"I..." Nancy bit her lip. She was close to the Lim family, so she had some understanding of Lim Feng's identity. She knew that his relationship with the Lim family was not good.

"What are you afraid of? I wouldn't eat you up," Lim Feng smiled, took a puff, and said, "don't worry. I support your engagement with Hanbin. Young people always like to cause trouble. I hate to see lovers suffer." He puffed out some smoke and stood up. Then, he said, "Hanbin is in the bar on West Street. It's up to you whether you want to go or not." After speaking, he said nothing and disappeared into the darkness.

"The bar on West Street?" Nancy pondered. That was the bar street. It was reasonable for Hanbin to go there, but why did Lim Feng tell her about this? Lim Feng didn't need to lie about something like this. Therefore, Nancy couldn't tell whether Lim Feng was reminding her out of kindness or for another reason. She stood there for a while and finally hailed a cab to go to the bar on West Street.

The bar was bright with all colors, and the music was deafening. Men and women in sexy clothes were dancing on the dance floor. Hanbin sat at the bar counter and poured wine into his mouth, one cup after another. There were many empty wine glasses in front of him. He had a handsome face and wore luxury attire, which attracted a lot of attention. The bar here was quite expensive. Many girls came here to play and wanted to find a chance to hook up with a rich man. Hanbin naturally became the prey of the women.

A girl wearing revealing clothes and heavy makeup leaned on Hanbin's shoulder and said in a coquettish voice, "Hey, handsome. You must be boring drinking alone. Let me accompany you."

"Get lost!" Hanbin's face flushed red, and he pushed her in a daze, "leave me alone!" He had already rejected many girls who took the initiative to approach him. Once there were people around him, he would instinctively reject them.

"Don't be so mean," The girl refused to give up and hinted, "it's late at night. It would be lonely to drink by yourself. I'll drink with you and sleep with you. Isn't that better?"

"Get lost," At this moment, a force came from the side. Nancy pulled away the girl who was pestering Hanbin angrily. She observed the girl and said disdainfully, "who are you, b*tch? How dare you touch my fiancé!" She was still wearing a beautiful and expensive gown. Although her makeup was messy, it could not hide her socialite temperament. The diamond on her earlobe shone under the light.

The girl was sensible. Seeing Nancy's outfit, she knew that she should not provoke her. She bit her lip and left.

"Brother Hanbin," Nancy gently pushed Hanbin. Hanbin's body swayed, and he opened his eyes in a daze. He was drunk, and the world in front of him was bLimrry. He squinted his eyes and looked for a long time before he muttered, "Nancy?"

"Brother Hanbin, you drank too much," Nancy bit her lips and said softly, "I'll take you home."

"Home? I'm not going home," Hanbin raised his voice, "I'm not going home! It's not home! They will only let me marry someone I don't like. They don't care about my feelings at all. I'm not going home!"

As the person Hanbin said he didn't like, Nancy felt sad. The bartender at the bar looked at them curiously.

Nancy didn't want to lose her reputation in public. She held back the sadness surging in her and stepped forward to support Hanbin. "Okay, if you don't want to go home, then don't go home. I'll take you to the hotel to rest, okay?"

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