383.I Quit

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"I already said that she has resigned from Jin Hai," Lisa said coldly, "you even threatened her with her job. Who gave you the guts?" Brother Zhao was so despicable and shameless, making Lisa wish she could slap him again.

"Mrs. Jeon," At this moment, Eunbi suddenly tugged Lisa's sleeve. Her movements were careful with a hint of timidity as if she feared that her hand would dirty Lisa's clothes.

Seeing Eunbi feeling inferior, Brother Zhao was even more pleased. "Eunbi, hurry up and tell Mrs. Jeon to delete the video. I'll pretend that what happened today never happened. You've always been a good subordinate of mine. Eunbi, don't let me down."

"Yes, I can't bear to leave this job," Eunbi bit her lip and lifted her head. Her eyes were red. However, she tried her best not to cry. "but this doesn't mean I can let you insult and trample on me as you wish. I won't listen to you anymore! It's Mrs. Jeon's freedom to delete the video. I won't beg her to delete it." She tried her best to control herself, not letting herself tremble. She said word by word, "Mrs. Jeon is right. I quit. I'll resign now!"

Eunbi mustered up the courage to say those words. That was something that she had never dared to think of before. Eunbi had seen the cruelty of society. She had long learned to lower her head and compromise. Poverty had made her give up her dignity. But at this moment, she suddenly did not want to give in anymore.


Brother Zhao had never expected that Eunbi, who had always listened to everything, would change her mind. He was stunned and speechless for a long time. He laughed. "Are you crazy? Where will you find such a good job after you leave Jin Hai? Besides, have you discussed with your boyfriend about resigning?"

Brother Zhao was inexplicably flustered. He gulped and tried to persuade Eunbi anxiously. "Eunbi, I've always taken care of you when you came to Jin Hai. I might have acted excessively this time, but I did it for your good. Are you sure you want to resign?"

Brother Zhao was still quibbling. Eunbi looked at brother Zhao, who had always been high and mighty, speaking to her nicely. Eunbi wanted to laugh. "If my boyfriend knew that you wanted to take advantage of me, he would support me to resign!" She bit her lips, and her attitude was unprecedentedly firm. "I don't want to give you another chance to take advantage of me. I'm leaving!" No matter how hard Brother Zhao tried to sweet-talk her, she refused to change her attitude.

Lisa looked relieved. She patted Eunbi's head and smiled. "Well done."

Others rarely acknowledged and praised Eunbi when she was growing up. She was at a loss for words for a moment when Lisa suddenly praised her. Her face was flushed red as she waved her hand. "I, I, no. I just learned everything from you." She looked at Lisa and thought that even if she only had stood up for herself for one minute or even one second, it would make her life meaningful.

Lisa accompanied Eunbi to go through the resignation procedures. With the video as a threat, Brother Zhao did not dare to say anything, no matter how unwilling he was. He completed the resignation procedures for Eunbi obediently.

Eunbi took off her work uniform and put on her clothes. The windbreaker that did not fit her and a pair of clean. The old yellowing sneakers revealed how difficult her life was.

Lisa looked at Eunbi expressionlessly, as if she did not see Eunbi's clothes that did not fit the surrounding environment. She asked gently, "Will you won't blame me for making the decision and asking you to resign?"

"I don't blame you for doing so!" Eunbi felt much more at ease because Lisa did not react much to her attire. She shook her head firmly and said, "I know you are doing this for me. I am grateful about it." Eunbi was grateful Lisa was willing to help her. She was thankful that Lisa stood behind her and supported her. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to escape from Brother Zhao's hands since she had no one to rely upon.

Perhaps such a thing was laughable in the eyes of outsiders. Brother Zhao was only a supervisor in Jin Hai. He was a wily old fox who kowtowed to the customers daily and flattered them endlessly. However, this person could suppress her wantonly, and he even threatened her. To Eunbi, Brother Zhao controlled her internship assessment, had the right to deduct her salary, and decide whether she would have the job. If it weren't for Lisa, she couldn't muster the courage to resist brother Zhao.

"I should be the one thanking you. Thank you for guiding me," Lisa said with a smile.

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