314.I Will Always Support You

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Chanyeol had a faint scent of cologne on his body. The smell was mild and it was easy to let down one's guard. It was as gentle and harmless as his appearance. He held Joy. His voice was gentle as he said, "The ground is cold. Sooyoung, get up quickly." He paused, then comforted her in a low voice, "I know you feel bad, but you have to take care of your body. If anything happens to you, President Park and Mrs. Park will be very sad." His voice seemed to have a strange rhythm. He helped Joy to sit down, his slender fingers tapping on her knees, as if he was thinking about how to comfort her, but also as if he was expressing something.


Joy couldn't help but follow Chanyeol's hand. Slowly, her eyes became empty. It was as if the only thing in her world was the hand in front of her. The light tapping sound continued to magnify in her world. Chanyeol's voice seemed to come from a very distant place. "Your life is very precious. You should use it to do more important things. Sooyoung, there are many ways to achieve your goal."


Chanyeol's voice became increasingly gentle. He leaned against Joy's ear. Every word he said seemed to reach her heart. "Promise me that you won't be so impulsive in the future, okay? No matter what decision you make, I will always support you. As long as you don't Hurt Yourself again, okay?"

Joy looked up at Chanyeol. He was wearing a white suit, his clothes were a little messy, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. His hair was disheveled from running, and he had never been in such a sorry state before. But even so, he was still as gentle as ever. He wouldn't discourage her, wouldn't stop her from pursuing Jungkook, would give her advice, and would always stand behind her.


Joy suddenly realized that she could trust Chanyeol! Her eyes slowly turned red. She suddenly threw herself into Chanyeol's arms and cried loudly. "I'm so sad!"


"It's okay. I'm here." Chanyeol lowered his eyes to hide the dark look in his eyes. He hugged Joy gently. "It's okay. Everything will be fine."

The scene of them hugging each other was too beautiful. Mrs. Park and Mr. Park both heaved a sigh of relief. Mrs. Park muttered to herself, "It's okay. I told you that she's fine. She doesn't need to see a psychiatrist." Jungkook's words before he left had scared her. In addition to the fact that Joy didn't say anything and looked like she was in a daze, as a mother, how could she not be worried? Now that Joy finally cried, Mrs. Park was finally relieved. She knew that her daughter was in this state because she had suffered a huge blow and not because she was mentally ill.


"Don't listen to Jungkook's nonsense." Mr. Park heard Mrs. Park's words. With a sullen look, he said, "If it weren't for Jungkook, Sooyoung wouldn't have become like this. Jungkook is vengeful and scheming. His words can't be trusted at all." If their family's daughter went crazy, how embarrassing it would be if word got out?!

Mrs. Park nodded in agreement. Looking at the gentle and considerate Chanyeol, she was finally relieved. Chanyeol was the ideal son-in-law for her. Although his career wasn't that impressive, it was enough for him to treat their daughter well.

"Help Chanyeol more in the future. You can help him with his investment projects if you can." Mrs. Park nudged Mr. Park as she reminded him, "Look at how good he is to our daughter. I can feel more at ease when she marries Chanyeol in the future."


"You don't understand business matters." Mr. Park shook his head, his attitude somewhat hesitant. After all, he was a businessman. It was natural for a businessman to chase after profits. When it came to investment, he was more concerned about the risks and returns.

"Yes, I don't understand. Only you understand! It's not like I'm asking you to empty out your assets to help Chanyeol. I'm asking you to help him occasionally. Just treat it as investing in a business venture for the children of your family. What can happen?" Mrs. Park couldn't help say angrily, "In my opinion, Chanyeol might not be worse than Jungkook. Previously, he was the interim CEO of Jeon Corporation, wasn't he doing quite well? Jeon Corporation's current achievements are also because he took over the Jeon Corporation..." No matter what was said, the more Mrs. Park looked at Chanyeol, the more satisfied she felt. His ability wasn't bad, but he was held back by the Cheng family, unlike Jungkook, who could rely on Jeon Corporation. She believed that if they had the same opportunity, Chanyeol could do even better.

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