276.This Is Love

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Yeri was originally pure and refined, like a little fairy who had accidentally fallen into the mortal world. At this moment, the marks on her face were blue and purple, revealing a beauty that had been destroyed. When she looked at Sehun with tears in her eyes, she looked especially pitiful.

"Are you telling me that this is an allergy?" Sehun narrowed his eyes dangerously, and anger surged from his chest. "Who did it?" he asked. Who was so bold to have the guts to touch his woman?!

"I didn't mean to lie to you." Yeri's eyes were red. She forced a smile and said in a low voice, "It's nothing. The matter is over. Let's order some food and eat."

"Who was it?!" Sehun grabbed Yeri's wrist, his eyes were burning with anger as he said domineeringly, "No one can bully my woman!" Although he was extremely disappointed in Yeri many times, he could not help but want to care about her. He wanted to keep her by his side. After getting together with Yeri, other women seemed to have become dull in his eyes. This was probably 'Love' as people called it. Sehun laughed self-deprecatingly.

"It's... It's Lisa..." Yeri hesitated for a long time before she stammered out a name. Just as she finished speaking, tears flowed down her cheeks. "Yesterday, Lisa came to our house for dinner and caused a huge ruckus at home. She even made CEO Jeon hate the Shen family. Sehun... What should I do? I'm really scared. The Shen family's company is Daddy's hard work. If CEO Jeon makes a move against our company, we..." she sobbed, and tears started to fall from her red eyes, making her look even more pitiful.

Yeri's words were not considered lying. She only cut down the main point of the matter, leaving behind an ambiguous version. Sehun automatically imagined the plot based on her words. He thought that Lisa was bullying Yeri because she had Jungkook's support. He immediately slammed the table in anger. "How dare she!"


Yeri was the person that he, Sehun, protected. Lisa bullied her again and again. Did she think that he was dead?! In his rage, Sehun assured Yeri, "Don't worry, I will definitely not let anything happen to you. I will definitely not let anything happen to the Shen family. I will take care of everything."

"This... would it be too troublesome for you?" Yeri hesitated. She intuitively shook her head and refused. She said, "Kim Jennie is still fighting with you for control of the company. I can not give you any trouble at this time. It's fine. If CEO Jeon really makes a move against our family, it will be our bad luck..." she sobbed as tears flowed down her cheeks. She softly said, "Who asked the Shen family to be so weak? We are like ants in the eyes of the Jeon Corporation and can be suppressed at will."


"B*stard!" Sehun was furious. "No matter how powerful Jungkook is, how powerful can he be in S City? Don't worry, with me around, I will definitely not let you suffer."

"Sehun, you are so kind." Yeri was moved and threw herself into Sehun's arms. "I will be joining the production team next month. Don't worry, I will definitely work hard to get your grandfather to acknowledge me."


Yeri entered the entertainment industry not to compete with anyone for fame, but to give herself a layer of gold. Her scheming methods could not make her gain Elder Zhuang's favor. Elder Zhuang had always had a grudge against Sehun for being with her, so she needed to become more worthy in order to gain Elder Zhuang's approval.

With Yeri's intentional pandering, she and Sehun had a deep affection for each other, as if they were in a passionate love affair.


The teachers of Si Cheng High School marked the papers very quickly. The results of last week's exam were released on Tuesday. With the bet between Lisa and Bai Ling, the honor roll had yet to be posted, there was already a large number of students looking forward to the results. There were even people who posted on the school forum at the same time. There were even some busybodies who created a voting post, choosing whoever they supported. Most people chose Bai Ling to win, while Lisa's side only had a few scattered votes.

Seeing the big difference in the voting data, Yeri almost laughed out in ridicule. The bruise on her face had not disappeared. The wide mask covered most of her expression, only revealing a pair of curved eyes. She seemed to be in a good mood.

"Yeri, what are you looking at? Why are you so happy?" A classmate called out to her from behind. "In a while, the honor roll will be out. Do you want to go and take a look? See what kind of results Lisa will be getting?"

"With Lisa's results, she probably can't even get on the honor roll, right?" A classmate laughed out loud and mocked, "A person who dropped out of high school for two years still wants to get on Si Cheng High School's honor roll? What a joke!"

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