214.I'm Not Alone

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After a long time, seeing more and more viewers confess to Lisa, and even commenting that they wanted to marry Lisa, Jungkook finally could not help but step forward and block the live broadcast.

Lisa tilted her head to look at him in confusion. Puzzled, Baekhyun and the others also looked at Jungkook, not knowing what had happened to Jeon Jungkook the big shot.

Jungkook looked at the camera in Baekhyun’s hand, then he said in an articulated manner, “According to our country’s laws, bigamy is illegal, so you all should not say these things. My wife is mine, and mine alone. Don’t even think about it. I won’t give you a chance.” He had a strong aura, and his words were perfectly clear, as though he was speaking at an important business meeting. He said, “My wife and I are on good terms, and our relationship is harmonious. I hope that everyone won’t have unreasonable expectations.”

Lisa was amused by Jungkook’s words. She laughed until her entire body trembled, and her shoulders could not help but shake. She said, “Jungkook, everyone was just joking.”

“Yes, everyone really likes Sister Lisa!” Mina nodded vigorously, “Nowadays, this kind of saying is popular on the internet. They would say they want to marry so-and-so. There are even some who say they want to become my father, mother, brother, and sister.”

The corners of Jungkook’s mouth were even. Although he did not refute Mina’s words, he was still unhappy with the netizens who wanted to marry Lisa.

“Okay, let’s not watch this anymore,” Lisa laughed lightly and tugged at Jungkook’s pinky finger. She said, “Let’s go and take a walk by ourselves. We won’t bring anyone else.”

Only after she said that Jungkook’s expression ease up.

Seeing that Lisa and Jungkook had really left the others behind and were in their own world as they joined the crowd, the viewers in the live broadcast room were instantly envious. What kind of perfect love was this!

The arrangements for the day’s activities on the commercial street were undoubtedly successful. By the time the commercial street closed for the night, the sales of the online shopping malls and physical shops had far exceeded the target set by the higher-ups, reaching as much as 80 million dollars.

This meant that the project in the West Development Zone was secure!

Everyone could not help but cheer. Lisa was also a little excited inwardly. This was not only the result of her hard work during this period, but also the result of everyone’s hard work. This feeling of gathering their strength to accomplish something was very, very good.

Because everyone had been working hard during this period, many were not able to get much rest, so they did not hold a celebration party. Instead, they dispersed early and went home to rest.

Before going upstairs, Jungkook grabbed Lisa’s wrist and stood quietly. Lisa looked at him in puzzlement. Jungkook’s adam’s apple moved slightly. He felt that he had probably lived a peaceful life for too long that even his courage had diminished. Although she was fine after the incident this morning, his heart was still feeling uneasy. It felt as though the moment he let go of Lisa, she would be hurt in a place that he could not see. He clearly knew that his wife was not someone who needed to rely on other people like a fragile flower. She was stronger and more capable than many people.


Jungkook tightened and let go of Lisa’s hand. He tried hard to suppress the turbulent undercurrents in his heart and gently hugged Lisa. He said, “It’s nothing. You have a good rest.”

Lisa was stunned for a moment. She raised her hand to hug him back and said softly, “Jungkook…”

Jungkook lowered his eyes to look at her. His eyes were quiet and gentle. He looked like a completely different person compared to the ruthless look on his face in the dilapidated alley earlier. Lisa could not help but tiptoe and plant a shallow kiss on his lips. She said, “There are many dangers in this world, but I believe that no matter what I encounter, Mr. Jeon, you will be there to fight them with me till the very end. I am not alone, and neither are you.”

With that, Lisa let go of his hand with a smile and took a couple of steps back. Then, she looked at Jungkook with a smile. She said, “I’m tired. I’m going upstairs to sleep. Good night, Mr. Jeon.”

Jungkook stood where he was and watched Lisa’s figure slowly disappear upstairs. His heart was beating non-stop, beating more and more vigorously.

Before Lisa and the others could have enough rest, the government made a decision and put the West Development Zone project on the agenda. The Jeon Corporation became the biggest winner, and as one of the participants in the development plan of the west of the city, Lisa was even more sought after by everyone. Lisa had gone from being disregarded to being surrounded by a lot of people. And all these had only taken half a year.

Jackson was amazed. He raised his glass and said, “Mrs. Jeon is really… surprising.” The main business of the Wang group was not in this area, so the development of the east and west of the city did not affect them. He hid and watched a lively and good show, watching them compete with each other. He was getting more and more impressed with Lisa.

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