329.Defend Sister-In-Law's Favor

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Mina was young. She had to go through the legal process to get her pay. Although it wasn't a lot, she was relieved that she could quickly return the money to Lisa.

"Do you have enough money to spend now?" Lisa didn't decline and asked with concern, "if you don't have enough money, you can pay it back slowly. You still have a lot of opportunities to earn money. Don't be in a hurry."

"I have enough money. I still have much money left after I pay you back," Mina smiled and said, "isn't the commercial street going to be developed in the west of the city? I want to rent a small shop to let my parents sell some food."

"Not bad. Your plan sounds great," Lisa nodded happily, "your mother's cooking skills are not bad. Your shop will get plenty of customers."

"I have the same thought," Mina smiled as she held Lisa's arm. Affectionately and coquettishly, she said, "Lisa, I can finally earn money by myself. Let's go shopping? Director Baekhyun gave me two days off. Let's go out and play today!"

Without waiting for Lisa to speak, Yeonjun said first, "Since that's the case, why don't sister-in-law bring Tzuyu along? Tzuyu doesn't have many friends of the same age, and she rarely goes out to play."

"Tzu?" Lisa's gaze landed on Tzuyu.

Tzuyu nervously clenched her fingers and summoned her courage to ask, "I... Can I go with you?" She didn't like going out. Even though she was no longer afraid and was completely different from the shivering Tzuyu who had just been brought to the Jeon family, she still didn't like going out. In the past, she had stayed at home and locked herself in her room because that was the only way she could protect herself. She had no friends and did not dare to interact with others. She could only wait in the dark room and rot like a plant without sunlight.


However, the current Tzuyu was enjoying the time alone. Although she was still shy, she was born facing the sun and had her hobbies. Furthermore, she could learn with Maestro Lin Ran and the others. However, the situation this time was different. This time, she was going out to defend her sister-in-law's favor. She had to go!

"Of course," Lisa's heart softened when she saw Tzuyu's watery eyes.

"I'll go and change," Tzuyu cheered up and strode upstairs.

"I'll go back to my room to read," Yeonjun lowered his eyes and stood up obediently. He said to Lisa, "sister-in-law, have fun."

When Tzuyu had changed her clothes and left the room, she had just opened the door when she saw Yeonjun leaning against the wall, his eyes drooping. No one knew what he was thinking. When he was in front of his sister-in-law, Yeonjun looked extremely obedient. He was a good student and younger brother. However, in front of others, Yeonjun was not like this. He would reveal the gloominess and coldness of an adult.

"Yeonjun?" Tzuyu stopped and carefully moved over as she asked, "why are you standing here?"

Yeonjun lifted his head and looked at Tzuyu. He couldn't understand how the Ji family, where every elder brother and sister had their personalities and their detestable traits, could produce such an innocent person like Tzuyu? He couldn't hate her even if he wanted to.

"You don't wish sister-in-law to be snatched away by others, right?" Yeonjun went straight to the point, "Mina has bad intentions. You have to be careful when you go shopping. Don't let her monopolize big sister-in-law." No matter what, Tzuyu's surname was Ji. It was much better than having his sister-in-law snatched away by an outsider! Mina had been trying to persuade their sister-in-law to divorce their brother through the phone.

"Hmph, divorce? Don't even think about it!" Yeonjun thought.

Speaking of this, Tzuyu instantly tensed up and nodded without hesitation. "Don't worry. I will!" She was wary of Mina now. Yeonjun was the cleverest of the siblings apart from her big brother. Since he said so, Mina was a great threat, and she had to be extremely vigilant.

Tzuyu seemed to be shouldering a heavy responsibility as she solemnly clenched her fists. The task of protecting their sister-in-law was handed to her! Thus, when they arrived at the shopping mall, whenever Mina wanted to get close to Lisa and act coquettishly, Tzuyu would take a step forward and casually insert herself between the two of them, trying her best to change the topic.

"So annoying!" Mina's eyes widened, and her hands were on her hips as she thought. Suddenly, she pressed her palms together and asked, "Sister Hanxing, can I have a cup of milk tea today? Director Baekhyun said I'm too fat to look good on camera. I've been controlling my diet and haven't had milk tea for a long time."

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