228.Get Down!

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Jennie let go of Lisa's hand. Jennie knew that without her dragging them down, Lisa would definitely be able to escape from this place.

"No!" Lisa grabbed Jennie's hand and said without hesitation, "If we came here together, then we have to leave together."

Even in such a desperate situation, Lisa was unwilling to give up on Jennie. Jennie's tears flowed even faster. She sobbed and felt sad. She gritted her teeth and said, "It's all my fault, I've implicated you... Let's run, run quickly!" She hated herself for being so useless. She clenched her teeth and pulled Lisa as they ran forward. Jennie said, "We can't stop here, run!"

Lisa would not give up on her, then Jennie should not drag Lisa down either! However, although Jennie did not want to give up, every part of her body was screaming and resisting. She only ran a few steps before she fell to the ground panting. An itchy feeling came from her throat. She desperately covered her mouth to stop coughing, afraid that the pursuers behind them would hear her and discover their tracks. As she coughed, a faint smell of blood rose from her throat. Her palms were also stained with warm blood.

"This won't do." Lisa's face darkened as she looked around coldly. She analyzed calmly, "You can't continue running."

"I can, I can." Shame, fear, and despair were intertwined together. Jennie had completely broken down. She slapped her legs with all her might, she cried so hard that she could not help herself. She cried, "Why are you so useless? You have to stand up and run!"

"Alright, stop crying," Lisa sighed and reached out to pull her up. "Save some of your strength, don't give up yet."

Jennie sobbed softly. She knew that if it was not for her, Lisa would have been safe a long time ago.

Lisa did not feel sorry for herself, nor did she blame Jennie. She looked around their surroundings, and her eyes suddenly lit up. She said, "Follow me." There was an attempt to develop this mountain before. However, for some unknown reason, the development project stopped halfway. Therefore, it left behind a deep pit that was half the height of a person.

"Go down," Lisa's voice was low and anxious. "Hurry up, they're coming!"

Jennie obediently slid down and occupied a corner of the deep pit. At this moment, the gangsters were gradually searching this area. Through the withered trees in the winter, they could see many figures. Lisa quickly pulled large clumps of hay, bent down to grab the small tree that had fallen on the ground, and jumped down as well. She used the hay and the small tree to bury the top of the pit. From the outside, it looked like an inconspicuous little grass nest.

Lisa and Jennie hid here, covering their mouths and noses, not daring to make a sound. The footsteps of those gangsters gradually approached, accompanied by endless cursing, "Where are they?! Where did these two women go? Quickly find them! Don't let them enter the village!"

Someone replied, "Don't worry, we have people guarding the village entrance. When we catch these two women, I will definitely teach them a lesson!"

They spat a few mouthfuls of saliva and vented their anger wantonly. Someone even kicked the ground hard, causing sand to fly through the grass and fall onto her hair. Jennie widened her eyes in fear, trying to control herself from trembling, she stared at the withered grass above her head. She was truly frightened.

Lisa gripped the fruit knife in her hand tightly and shook her head cautiously, gesturing to Jennie to relax. Those people had been wandering around the area. Some of them had even taken a couple of steps in this direction. Did they perhaps discover them?

Lisa arched her body, ready to get up and attack at any moment. At this moment, a shout suddenly came from afar, "There's blood here. They ran this way!"

The group of gangsters instantly rushed towards the spot where the blood was. When the surroundings quieted down, Jennie heaved a sigh of relief and collapsed on the ground, She quietly asked, "Did-Did they leave?" Jennie's voice was trembling, it was as though she was about to cry.

"They left." Lisa listened for a while and sat down, "Since the village entrance has been guarded by them, we should rest for a while." She looked relaxed, but her eyes were solemn. After this ordeal, Jennie's body temperature was even higher now. She could not let Jennie's high fever go on any further.

Jennie's tensed nerves suddenly relaxed. Sensing the chill, she moved closer to Lisa and muttered, "Mrs. Jeon, it's really cold." It was so cold that her entire body was trembling.

Lisa's heart sank. She knew that they did not have much time left.

However, this short break was even shorter than Lisa had imagined. Not long after, more and more footsteps were heard. They were searching the surroundings very thoroughly.

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