399.Something Happened to Grandma

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After pausing for a while, Lisa said embarrassedly, "I know this might be a little unfair to you. Just take it as me hiring you to take care of my grandma. When you find a new job, you can quit anytime."

Eunbi's eyes turned red. She was a brilliant girl. She could see that Lisa was helping her, yet she didn't want to hurt her pride. So she suggested Eunbi take care of her grandma. With Lisa's status and ability, it would be easy for her to employ anyone to take care of her grandma.

Eunbi knew that Lisa was afraid those women would criticize her if she returned to her original place, so Lisa found a quiet place for her to say during this embarrassing time.

"I'll take the job!" Eunbi nodded as she sobbed. She accepted Lisa's good intentions. Eunbi would do her best to seize every bit of kindness, seize every opportunity to change her fate, and remember Lisa's help. She would do her best to repay it.

When Eunbi agreed, Lisa smiled. At this moment, her cell phone rang.


"I was talking about grandma, and she called," Lisa glanced at the screen and smiled at Eunbi. "It's just in time. I'll tell grandma. We'll go over now." However, Lisa did not hear her grandma's voice coming from the other end of the call. It was someone else. "Mrs. Jeon, come over quickly!" The nanny's voice sounded anxious. "Your grandma had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital..."

Smash! Lisa's phone fell to the ground. Grandma had a heart attack? In an instant, Lisa's thought was a mess. She only had her grandma. She would have no one left if her grandma passed away.

Lisa staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Mrs. Jeon, are you okay?" Eunbi quickly supported Lisa and asked anxiously, "what happened? Please calm down."

Yes, she couldn't let her emotions take over her now. Lisa was trembling. She picked up her phone to ask for the hospital's address and quickly hailed a taxi.

"Mrs. Jeon, are you okay?" Eunbi sat in the back seat of the taxi and looked at Lisa worriedly. "Do you want to rest first?"

Lisa's beautiful face was pale. Even her sparkling red lips had faded. Eunbi was worried that Lisa would faint anytime now.

"I'm fine... my grandmother just had a heart attack..." Lisa's hands and feet were trembling. She gritted her teeth and tried to calm herself down. "Let's go to the hospital first..." She reminded herself to calm down when they rushed to the hospital. They waited at the emergency room entrance. Lisa was burning with anxiety.

Jungkook also rushed over after he received the news. The moment he saw Lisa, his heart ached. He had never seen Lisa like this. She had always given him the feeling that she was tough. It was as if nothing in this world could defeat her. Nothing could make her give in. But now, she was like a withering rose. She lost her support and was fragile.

"Lisa," Jungkook took a step forward and pulled Lisa into his embrace. He kissed her forehead. "Don't be afraid. With me around, grandma will be fine."

"Mr. Jeon," Lisa lay in Jungkook's embrace. Her hands clutched the collar of his suit. She finally felt a sense of security and warmth. Tears welled up in her eyes. Her voice choked as she sobbed. "grandma... is old. I'm scared..." She didn't even dare to say that word.

"The doctor is doing his best to save her. She'll be fine," Jungkook hugged Lisa tightly, doing his best to give her a sense of security. He comforted her in a low voice, "I've contacted an internationally renowned cardiologist. Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to grandma."

The lights in the emergency room went out, and the doctor walked out. Fortunately, he found her in time. The agency had trained the nanny to deal with a heart attack, so grandma was fine now. Hearing this news, Lisa heaved a sigh of relief and collapsed in Jungkook's arms.

When grandma woke up, it was already midnight. It was dark outside. Looking at the snow-white walls of the hospital, grandma was in a daze for a moment.

"Grandma, are you awake?" Sensing the movement, Jungkook helped grandma up and asked in a low voice, "are you feeling unwell?"

Grandma shook her head gently. Her loving gaze fell on the bedside where Lisa lay asleep. Her long eyelashes kept trembling, and she frowned as if she had had an unpleasant dream.

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