233.Don't Test My Patience

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When they entered the police station earlier, she saw Jungkook applying medication on Lisa with a gentle expression. Her tears fell harder when she remembered that scene. She pounded Sehun's chest like she was mad. She screamed, "How capable can you be if you hit your girlfriend after being riled up? If you're a man, go hit Lisa!"

"Don't you know best whether I'm a man or not?" Sehun sneered and shook Yeri off. "Crazy woman! You're a crazy person!" He took a step forward and grabbed Yeri, who was dizzy from being shaken off. He smiled coldly and said, "I'll deal with that woman Lisa one day. As for you, it's even easier for me to deal with you. Yeri, I will repeat this to you again. I admit that you are my girlfriend, and you are. But what I don't want to admit is that you are just a plaything for my crotch area!"

"Sehun!" Yeri widened her eyes in disbelief. She did not even care about the pain in her body. She could not understand why they had come to this point. The person she loved was obviously noble, overbearing, and omnipotent, yet, he was only gentle and affectionate towards her. But why did Sehun become like this? Like a madman? If she had not thought that Jungkook was a cripple and if she had not asked Lisa to marry him in her place, would everything have been different?

Yeri felt dizzy, and her heart felt like it was being torn apart.

"Be good." Sehun flung his hand away. Then, he stood up and sneered, "Don't test my patience."

At this moment, the door next door opened. The middle-aged policewoman stuck her head out. Seeing this scene, her eyes were filled with disdain. She berated, "What are the two of you doing! This is the police station, not your home."

"It's just a small conflict." Sehun did not mind. He raised his leg and kicked Yeri, like a puppy on the roadside. "Get up, don't waste time."

"No matter what, behave yourself at the police station!" The middle-aged policewoman could not help but lecture him. Then she said with a serious face, "You two are from the Kim family, right? Come in." She pursed her lips. Sehun entered the door with a solemn face. He did not notice Yeri behind him was wearing a face full of resentment.

Lisa was injured and was treated with the utmost importance in the Jeon family. Jieun and Tzuyu surrounded her. Even Yeonjun, under Jungkook's instructions, kept an eye on Lisa. He did not even let her carry the cup by herself. Instead, he brought it to her mouth. The butler and the servants were even more cautious. They even cut an apple into small pieces and attentively watched over her every need.

What was even more ridiculous was that, in order to prevent Lisa from being disobedient, Jungkook had specially invited Grandma over to stay here temporarily. Grandma was used to her neighbours on the west side of the city, so even though the Jeon family and Lisa kept asking her to stay with them, Grandmother still refused. This time, Jungkook had put in a lot of effort in order to invite her grandmother over.

The hostility and anger in Lisa's heart slowly subsided under the care of her family, and she finally returned to her original peaceful state of mind.

At night, there was a knock on Lisa's room door.

"My wife, it's time to change your dressing." Jungkook pushed the door open and entered. He placed the medication and bandage in his hand on the coffee table and looked down at Lisa.

Lisa's bedroom was lit with warm light. The light softened the edges of Jungkook's face, adding a bit of gentleness to him. It was hard to tell if he was just this gentle and affectionate or if it was an illusion caused by the beauty of the night.

Lisa unbuttoned her shirt and revealed her injured arm. She felt a little helpless. She said, "It's really not that serious. It'll be fine in a few days." It was just a cut, but it did not hurt her bones or the critical blood vessels, this kind of injury was really not a big wound to Lisa.

"Even if my wife loses a strand of hair, my heart aches," Jungkook picked up the medicine to change Lisa's dressing without any hesitation. His movements were so gentle as though he was afraid that if he breathed heavily, it would hurt Lisa. "You may not care about your body, but I do. So please be obedient, my wife, just to make me feel at ease."

Jungkook was a man. After he had broken his leg bone during the surgery, he was able to talk to her downstairs as per normal that day. However, when faced with such a small wound on her body, he was so careful that he was trembling with fear. Lisa felt that it was funny, but at the same time, her heart softened incredibly. She obediently cooperated with him and let him apply the medication to her.

After he was done with her arm, Jungkook wrapped up her injured fingertip again. With that, he had finished changing her dressings.

After he was done, Lisa looked at the man sitting across from her. Her heart suddenly fluttered.

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