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The figure from before must have hit Jennie’s head with a baseball bat. Bright red blood flowed from her head, and her hair stuck to her face. Jennie’s face was pale and her eyes as she lost consciousness.

Lisa struggled to hold Jennie in her arms. She rubbed Jennie’s arms to maintain her body temperature while trying to wake her up.

As Lisa called out to her repeatedly, Jennie finally slowly opened her eyes. After a short moment of confusion, Jennie suddenly widened her eyes. “Mrs. Jeon, be careful!” Her voice was hoarse and sharp, she raised her hand to push Lisa away, but her hand was so weak that she did not have any strength when she pushed Lisa.

Lisa’s heart tightened. She quickly turned her head and carried Jennie to the side. Along with the violent ‘whoosh’ sound, the baseball bat that had sneaked up from behind her smashed onto the ground.

Lisa’s pupils dilated. There was actually more than one person! She could tell that the person who was wearing the same outfit, wearing a mask and a baseball cap to hide his face was not the same person from earlier!

After that person’s attack missed, he did not hesitate at all. He raised the baseball bat and attacked Lisa and Jennie again!

Lisa’s eyes turned cold. Did he really think that she was a pushover who was easy to bully? She carefully put Jennie down. Then, she got up and gave a flying kick to the person’s wrist. The person groaned in pain, and the baseball bat fell from his hand. Lisa was quick-witted and ran over to catch it. Her beautiful eyes raised slightly as she said, “I’m sorry, this thing is mine now.”

After getting the weapon, Lisa’s aura flared up. Her eyes were filled with hostility, and she attacked the person’s vital points without hesitation. She said, “I’ll show you today what it means to court death!”

Seeing that he could not defeat Lisa, the man turned around and wanted to escape. Lisa was furious. How could she let him escape like this? Without hesitation, she took a couple of steps forward and used the strength of the wall to fly up and give him a flying kick. The man was kicked to the ground. He lay on the ground for a long time and could not get up.

“Where’s the other person?” Lisa’s eyes were filled with coldness. She went forward and grabbed the man’s collar. She was about to take off his mask to see his true appearance.

Then, hurried footsteps came from behind. It was the man who had attacked Jennie previously. He had actually returned! He did not care about his companion. Instead, he rushed to Jennie and raised his baseball bat to smash it down!

Jennie’s head was already dizzy, she currently did not have the strength to dodge. Looking at the strength that man was using, if he smashed the baseball bat down on her, Jennie would probably be half-dead even if she did not die. Lisa’s eyes were about to burst from fury. She would not allow anything to happen to Jennie in front of her!

“How dare you!”

Lisa shouted loudly. Taking advantage of the split second when that person was stunned, she unleashed almost all of her strength and kicked that person! Just as she landed, she heard Jennie’s hoarse and heart-wrenching cry, “No, watch your back!”

That attack just now had used up all of Lisa’s strength. At this moment, even if she could see the shadow in front of her and knew that someone was raising a baseball bat to attack her, she was unable to dodge.

She had been careless. There were more than two of them! They appeared one after another continuously. It was obvious that they had planned this very meticulously. Their target was not Jennie at all! Or rather, it was not just Jennie!

This thought flashed through Lisa’s mind quickly. Then, with a bang, she felt a pain in the back of her head and her vision went black. She staggered forward and fell limply to the ground.

“It’s a success. Carry them to the car. Let’s quickly leave!” Before Lisa fainted, she heard the excited voice of one of the assailants.

When she woke up again, the sky was already bright. Lisa opened her eyes and silently observed her surroundings. She was locked in a dilapidated room. The walls were very high, and there were two small rectangular windows at the top. The sunlight was coming through these small windows.

This place should be an old factory. The air was filled with the strong smell of gasoline. This kind of factory definitely could not be built in the center of S City. It was probably located in a more remote suburb.

Lisa analyzed silently and could not help but sigh. The strange thing was that she was clearly in danger, but she was not too worried about her own situation. There was only one thought in her mind. She had suddenly disappeared, so Jungkook must be frantic at the moment. Lisa thought of that morning when she saw the madness and paranoia beneath Jungkook’s calm surface… She felt a headache, which was a rare occurrence.

She guessed that when she returned this time, Jungkook would not be as easy to coax as the last time.

The Crippled Boss's Outstanding Substitute Wife | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now