342.We Welcome Your Presence

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Hanbin looked at the two of them holding hands and wanted to say something but could not do so. He could only force a smile with a sad look. "Please come in." After a short pause, his gaze filled with sadness and affection fell on Lisa. He said in a low and affectionate voice, "Lisa, I have something to tell you in a while."

"Mr. Lim, it's your engagement today. I'm afraid you won't have the time," Jungkook's face instantly turned cold, and he said sternly, "if there's anything important, say it. my wife and I will be waiting for you at our seats." After saying that, he held Lisa in his arms possessively and asked, "honey, don't you think so?"

"Of course," Seeing Jungkook starting to get jealous again, Lisa felt it was funny. She nodded and said, "we welcome your presence."

Jealousy engulfed Hanbin. When he met Jungkook's cold and deep black eyes, his face turned slightly pale. He could not help but take a step back. Nancy stood beside him, and the beautiful manicure she had just done dug into her palm. She clenched her teeth angrily as she thought, "Lisa, this woman! Damn it! Why would she appear at Hanbin and my engagement party? What does she want to do? Could it be that it was not enough for Lisa to marry Jungkook, but she still had to be greedy and snatch Hanbin away? No, she couldn't! Hanbin was the man I had wanted to marry for many years. I have liked Hanbin for so long, and I would never let Lisa snatch him away!"

A cold glint flashed across Nancy's eyes. She smiled and held onto Hanbin's arm, saying, "Brother Hanbin, other guests are waiting for us to entertain."

Hanbin looked at Lisa and Jungkook's backs as they walked side by side. It was as if his heart had been torn into two pieces. He wanted to be the one standing next to Lisa, but... he lowered his head and met Nancy's affectionate gaze, Hanbin's body stiffened, and the guilt in his heart grew stronger. His heart ached, guilt intertwined, causing his entire body to split into two pieces. On the one hand, he did not want to disappoint Nancy, the fiancée who loved him deeply, but he could not let go of Lisa. He could only try to treat Nancy better to make up for the guilt of not loving Nancy. He lowered his eyes, and this time, he did not pull out the arm that Nancy was hugging. He sighed and patted Nancy's head. "Let's go and welcome the other guests."

"Brother Hanbin..." This was the first time Hanbin had shown Nancy a gentle smile during this period. Nancy was instantly pleasantly surprised and looked at Hanbin for a while, somewhat at a loss. Then, she grinned and touched the head that Hanbin had touched. She said coquettishly, "Brother Hanbin, be gentle. Please don't mess up my hair. The engagement party is such an important moment. I don't want to lose my reputation." The more she showed that she valued the engagement party, the more Hanbin felt like a knife was stabbing his heart. He felt sorry for Nancy.

The wave of guilt almost drowned Hanbin. He smiled gently. "It's okay. Even if your hair is messed up, you're still the most beautiful girl."

After being praised by Hanbin, Nancy could not help but smile sweetly. Seeing that the two of them were getting along well, Hanbin's mother could not help but smile. She raised her arm and nudged her husband. "Look, Nancy and our Hanbin are so compatible. When we first got engaged, Hanbin was reluctant, but now he's smiling so happily!"

"I feel uneasy," Lim Guo was wearing a suit, but he didn't look happy. He looked at Hanbin and said, "you know our son's temper. I feel like he's going to cause some trouble. Tell me, why did you give birth to such a troublesome thing in the first place?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Madam Lim immediately frowned in dissatisfaction, "what's wrong with Hanbin? He has outstanding looks and good grades. Why do you say he is a troublesome son? My son is the most obedient child! In the beginning, he was mesmerized by that woman, Lisa. He was confused for some time, but isn't he fine now? He has also agreed to get engaged to Nancy." As she said this, she smiled with pride, "Nancy is a young lady from a big family. She has a well-behaved and obedient personality. I am delighted with this daughter-in-law."

Lim Guo also nodded. Indeed, marrying Nancy was much better than marrying a random girl like Lisa. Nancy was the only daughter of the Jewel family, and the entire Jewel family was her dowry. When the two of them were officially married in the future, the Jewel family would belong to the Lim family, and the size of the Lim family would expand again.

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