298.Aren't You Disgusted By Your Act?

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Lisa's mood suddenly brightened. She could not help but plant a kiss on Jungkook's face. "You are right. It's useless to believe in fate. You live a better life only when you don't believe in fate."

Seeing Lisa's mood improving, Jungkook put his arm around her shoulder, and a smile flashed across his face. At this moment, the private room door was pushed open, "Brother Jungkook!" Joy rushed in. She, who had always cared about her image, had messy hair and red eyes. She was in an exceptionally pathetic state.

Interrupted by the rare moment of solitude with Lisa, Jungkook's expression instantly darkened. "Miss Park, how many times do you want me to correct you before you remember how to address me?"

Seeing the intimate embrace between Jungkook and Lisa, Joy was both jealous and angry. When she heard Jungkook's words, she was momentarily stunned. Then, she lifted her head in disbelief. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "Brother Jungkook? Do you even want me to stop calling you that because of this woman? Are you going to abandon me for this woman?"

"Miss Park, the woman you're talking about, is my wife. She's the only one who has the right to control me," Jungkook was merciless. He said coldly, "married men should always keep themselves away from another woman. Moreover, even when I was single, I didn't have romantic entanglements with you. I hope you will have some self-respect."

"Brother Jungkook? How can you do this?" Joy was shocked. Her face was pale, "what's so great about her? She's not worthy of you at all. Brother Jungkook, do you know that I've liked you for fifteen years..." Her eyes filled with pain and infatuation. Tears rolled down her cheeks, "you're blaming me, aren't you? You're blaming me for not appearing when you were in trouble. It's not that I don't want to look for you. It's that my parents won't let me go out. "Brother Jungkook, I've only loved you from the beginning to the end!" She couldn't help but cry. "Do you know that my daddy will start arranging my marriage because of what happened in the live broadcast room today? I'm going to marry another man soon!"

Joy didn't want to get married. Her dream since she was young was to be Jungkook's bride! But now, her father was going to arrange for her to get married in a hurry to marry a man that she didn't love at all.

"Congratulations," Jungkook was unmoved by Joy's deep affection. He was cold and emotionless. "I wish you a happy wedding."

Joy staggered two steps back with a pale face.

"Miss Park, your actions have already caused me trouble," As if it wasn't enough, Jungkook lifted his head and looked coldly at Joy. His eyes filled with a sharp coldness, "please know your limits. Also, I will remember your actions towards my wife. Miss Park, you are an adult. An adult must pay the price for what you did."


As Jungkook spoke, he took out his phone and sneered. "I don't know why you are here. According to the legal procedure, you should be interrogated at the police station right now, right?"

"No! Brother Jungkook, how can you be so heartless! I love you so much. How could you..." Joy was heartbroken. She had never expected that she would be treated so ruthlessly by Jungkook, despite her father's obstruction and anger, as well as the strange gazes of the passersby. She refused to believe Jungkook did not care about her.

"Sooyoung," At this moment, a man in a white suit caught up. Chanyeol's face was worried and anxious as he pulled Joy back. He asked anxiously, "why did you suddenly run away? Do you know how dangerous it was just now?" He looked worried. Usually, Joy would have broken free from his grip. However, she had probably suffered too much today and felt too sad. She stood there with a pale face and didn't say a word.

Chanyeol asked a few more questions. Seeing that Joy didn't say anything, he sighed helplessly. He lifted his head as if he had just realized other people were in the private room. He quickly greeted them, "Cousin, cousin-in-law, I'm sorry. Sooyoung rushed out after we bailed her. Sorry to disturb you."

"I don't want you to care about me!" Without waiting for Lisa and Jungkook to respond, Joy seemed to have been provoked by something. She abruptly flung Chanyeol's hand away, "who do you think you are to tell me what to do? Don't think I don't know that you've been bowing and acting humble like a dog in front of me all day so that you can live off me and get the Park family's business. Aren't you disgusted by your act?"

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