312.Lesson Learned

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It was Lisa who saved Joy. She should be grateful, but the root cause of Joy's unhappiness was also Lisa. If it weren't for her, today's incident might not have happened. Mrs. Park could only try her best to maintain her superficial courtesy and asked softly, "Sooyoung is not in a good mood right now. If you have something to say, why don't we talk about it another day?"

"No, I'm not in a good mood right now, so I have to say something now." Lisa's expression darkened. She pulled Joy out of Mrs. Park's arms and looked at her coldly. "Miss Park, do you still want to die?"

"I don't want you to care!" Joy shook Lisa's hand away forcefully. She shouted, "Don't think that I will be grateful to you just because you saved me?! I will never be grateful to you! I hate you to death! The person I hate the most in this world is you!"

Lisa was obviously a slut who came from the slums. Why was she better than her in every way? Why did she have to put on a noble attitude and snatch away her lover? Joy's expression was distorted.

"I don't need you to be grateful, but I hope you can take a good look." Lisa's gaze was cold. She pointed at the rooftop and said coldly, "Do you know? This is the 38th floor. If you jump down from here, you will instantly become a pile of meat. You will die. This is the only result of you jumping off the roof!"

"No, don't say anything more!" Joy's eyes widened and fear flashed in them. When she was standing on the rooftop, she had relied on her hatred and determination to ignore many things. Now, she had calmed down. She didn't even dare to recall the situation at that time.

Seeing Joy crying so miserably, Mrs. Park's heart ached terribly. She couldn't help but hug Joy and say, "Mrs. Jeon, Sooyoung's emotions aren't stable yet. You..."

"Get lost! Don't disturb me!" Lisa suddenly raised her eyes and looked at Mrs. Park with bloodthirsty eyes. She pulled Joy over again. She asked her, "Sooyoung, where is the courage to jump off the building you had just now? Do you know fear now? Do you know that below is the city center, full of cars? After you jump off the building, you will be crushed into minced meat by the cars? Did you know that the people below would have a huge psychological impact when they saw this scene? Would they be unable to sleep in the middle of the night because of you? Would they even need psychological treatment? Moreover, you might just happen to hit a passerby. It's fine if you want to die, but why should you let an innocent passerby die with you?"

Lisa narrowed her eyes. She wanted to slap Joy twice more. "The next time you want to die, just quietly find a place to die by yourself. Don't implicate other innocent people and disturb other people's lives! Anyway, if you die, at most, your family and friends will be sad. Don't implicate other people, understand?"

Joy's lips trembled. She wanted to say that this had nothing to do with Lisa. She wanted to muster up the courage to scold her, but she didn't dare to. As soon as she recalled the way she looked down from the rooftop, her mind went blank. She couldn't remember how she mustered up the courage to go to the rooftop to seek death.

"There's no need to waste your breath on her." Jungkook raised his hand and calmly said, "It's getting late. You should go back to school."

Lisa gently exhaled and let out the anger in her heart. She knew that whether Joy was dead or alive had nothing to do with her. She just... She just couldn't stand it. Mr. Park and Mrs. Park were so old, yet they still had to beg bitterly for the sake of this idiot Joy.

Lisa closed her eyes and calmed her emotions. Then, she held Jungkook's hand and left.

When the elevator came up, Jungkook was just about to enter the elevator when he suddenly stopped. He turned around and smiled at Mr. Park and Mrs. Park. "Oh right, I also have to remind Mr. Park and Mrs. Park that it's best to bring Miss Park to see a psychologist when you have time to check her mental state." With that said, Jungkook stepped into the elevator.

Mrs. Park glanced at Mr. Park and asked hesitantly, "What does Jungkook mean?"

"Shut up!" Mr. Park's expression darkened as he sternly said, "Nonsense! Sooyoung was just acting on impulse. What psychiatrist? We and Sooyoung are very normal!" As an elderly person, he always felt that seeing a psychiatrist was like having a mental illness and was extremely fearful of it. When Mrs. Park heard her husband say this, she also fell silent.


Joy sat beside them in a daze. No one knew what she was thinking. At this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps came from the safety exit.

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