1. 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑?

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Chapter 1~ When are these nightmares going to stop?

𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟓 𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙚 𝟏𝙨𝙩

Arwen ran back through the lab door avoiding Mike and the others pulling her back, she had to see what was taking so long. The first thing she saw was Joyce and her mom stood frozen with their hands up to their mouths, tears about to spill, everything seemed to be in slow motion. Arwens head turned towards her dad and Bob, the demodogs had caught up to them and Arwen found herself suddenly not being able to breathe, her body was shutting down. Her dad was now surrounded in a pool of blood, his lifeless body and she couldn't do anything to stop it. She felt someone grab onto the back of her pulling her into their chest but she resisted not wanting to believe that her dad was being taken from her in this moment, "NO!" She hysterically cried out.

"Arwen! You're okay it's just a nightmare." Max tried to wake her up as gently as possible until her eyes fluttered open, she looked up at Max as she tried to catch her breath, her face was flushed and tears had streamed down her cheeks onto her neck, "You're okay, I promise." Max put her arms around her and kept whispering reassurance into her ear until she had calmed down.

"When are these nightmares going to stop?" Arwen tried to speak through her cracked voice, Max felt horrible, she wasn't sure how she could help.

"I can't begin to imagine what you're going through Arwen, everything that happened last year was awful but I am right by your side okay?" She placed her hands on Arwens leg and looked into her her eyes, "after Barb died, Nancy had to see the guidance counsellor and I know that she also does sessions during the summer, would you be willing to see her?" Max asked seeing Arwen think about it, she was hoping she would agree, "okay I'll try it." She shrugged to Max's relief, "and maybe miss out the fact that you have powers." Max laughed trying to lighten the mood. 

Flashback November 1984

Arwen ran through the hallways of the lab as fast as she could, she had lost the others once the demodogs had escaped, loud sirens and red flashing lights went off everywhere and she was slowly losing her ability to run. She turned the corner and threw a cart in the path of one of the demodogs giving her time to run back into the room where the gate was, she opened the door and left the control room to go down to the opening of the gate but the demodog managed to catch up as it came charging up to her she closed her eyes knowing this was it, there was no where else to go, then it suddenly it went quiet and there was a high pitched squeal as she lost her balance she felt her self falling back into the gate a hand suddenly grabbed her, "I got you." Max shouted panting as she held onto Arwen for dear life, Arwen finally opened her eyes and saw Max and Steve in front of her with the demodog Steve had killed with his baseball bat. "You're okay." Max pulled her into a tight hug trying to steady Arwen's heavy breath, she pulled away once she had calmed down and looked at Steve.

"Holy shit Steve, you can't win a fight against an actual human but you really fucked that demodog up." Arwen said, making her and Max laugh, "yeah yeah, you're welcome by the way." He rolled his eyes, placing a hand on his hip.

"Shit, Arwen your nose is bleeding." Max said with concern, Arwen put her fingers up to her nose and looked at the blood on her hands, "I feel kinda weird." She admitted, Steve came up to the side of her, "weird how?" They asked simultaneously, Arwen moved her arm and something suddenly got thrown across the room, "holy shit." Steve widened his eyes and looked between Max and Arwen, "there is no fucking way." Max added, Arwen looked around confused not knowing what just happened, "that wasn't me." She quietly let out.

"Arwen- put your hand out again." Steve hesitantly said, she did as he said and put her hand out to an object like El did, she focused on a test tube that was on top of one of the desks, after a few seconds it was being lifted into the air followed by another nose bleed, Max and Steve looked at the test tube in disbelief but Arwen quickly dropped it causing it to smash on the floor, "how is this possible?" Arwen looked wide-eyed down at her hand, Steve ran his hands though his hair and paced back and forth, "so you have powers like El now because you fell slightly into the gate? Is that even possible? How is that possible?" He questioned.

"Well is any of this even possible? That's a gate to another fucking version of Hawkins with a bunch of monsters so I would definitely say it's possible Steve." Max rolled her eyes and came up behind Arwen, "hey, are you okay?" She asked Arwen who was still staring at her hands.

End flashback

"Hey you zoned out again." Max clicked her fingers in front of Arwen's face to bring her back to reality, she glanced at Max, nodding her head, "yeah sorry. Can we ask Nancy about the guidance counsellor as soon as possible?" She asked, Max nodded her head before the walkie talkie filled the room with white noise followed by Dustin's voice, Max rolled her eyes and leaned over to pick it off the floor, "this is Dustin do you copy?"

"Yes Dustin, we copy what do you want?" Max asked, "we're heading to the pool in an hour, meet us there, over."

The summer I llǝɟ for her || 𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now