15. 𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒖𝒕.

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Chapter 15~ Power cut.

𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙮 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟓

"I need you to feel it in every part of your body, you need to see what you're now capable of." El was sat opposite Arwen on her bed with her eyes closed, "I can't- I can't do this." Arwen opened her eyes as a few tears escaped down her cheeks, El gave her a sympathetic smile and placed her hand on her leg, "yes you can okay, you're so brave Arwen. I know how scary it is, you've lived a normal life and now you suddenly have these powers but I know you can do this." Arwen nodded her head, "what do I think about?"
"A memory. Something that makes you extremely happy then I want you to think about the opposite." El pointed at the coke can on her side table which reminded her of when she was taught how to control them, Arwen placed her hand in front of the can concentrating as hard as she could until it started to shake a little, she took a deep breathe then heard a crushed, Arwen looked to El who was smiling then pulled her in for a hug, "if you get tired at all I want you to let me know, I want to go through all of the possible powers you could have today okay? So the next one is called Telepathic dilation it's when you have the ability to water down one's ability by blocking neurological signals." Arwen nodded, trying to take it all in, "I'm going to use my powers on a new coke can and I want you to try and stop me okay?"

"Okay." El put her hand out and started using her powers whilst Arwen focused on El's hand, the can started shaking and El was visibly struggling more and more until she completely stopped and couldn't use her powers that well, "so that's telekinesis and telepathic dilation checked off the list." They both looked at each other with their mouths agape, they went through all of the potential powers Arwen could have all day and it was starting to get draining as they discovered no more until the last one, "You have dream communication, this means you can converse and relay information through dreams whilst also having the option to just watch people's dreams."

𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙚 𝟐𝟗𝙩𝙝

Like the other week, the party were waiting outside starcourt mall to go watch another movie, they were awaiting Mike, Lucas was stood with his arms crossed getting annoyed about missing the previews again, "you're late again!"
"I'm sorry." Mike threw his bike down in frustration, "wait where's El?" Max asked, Arwen was still upset with Mike about the other day and she vowed not to speak to him for at least a few more days, "how should I know?" He huffed and walked past into the mall, "watch it!" Someone said as the group pushed past people in a rush, "yeah watch it nerds!" Erica, who was sat on the fountain with her friends yelled, "isn't it past your bed time?" Lucas narrowed his eyes, "isn't time you died?" She came back with making Arwen laugh, "psycho!"


"Mall rat!"

"Fart face!"

Lucas blew his tongue at her as Max pulled him away, "oh now that was mature!"

"Erica won that." Arwen laughed, "shut up!"

They got into scoops and Mike ran the bell multiple times, "hey dingus! Our children are here." Steve pushed the glass behind the counter and stuck his head out, "again? Seriously?" He rolled his eyes and Mike just rang the bell again, "you know you love us Steve, bye Rob." Arwen blew a kiss at her, "bye Wen." She winked, "come on, come on." Steve rushed them all through the back door.

They managed to sneak in and got to their seats, "you look pretty." Arwen whispered into Max's ear causing a red blush all over her face, "what happened to being cool Max?" Arwen smirked, seeing how red she went, "you look really hot in those shorts." Max retaliated and the same red blush appeared on her face, "woah what happened to being cool Arwen?"
"That was worse!"

"Shh the movies starting!" Lucas leaned over to them, "get your dog smelling breath away from us." Arwen shoved Lucas away.

Day of the dead started playing and there were big smiles across everyone's faces, candy wrappers rustling and Arwen couldn't stop looking over at Max when suddenly the room went black. "Oh come on!"

"What the hell is this?!" Shouting was heard throughout the theatre and popcorn was being thrown at the screen until the movie turned back on, "hey are you okay?" Arwen turned to Will who was holding the back of his neck, "oh yeah." He gave a small smile.

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