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Are you desperate:

he never thought he would feel this distressed under the gaze of a subordinate. That's what Hoseok thought of Taehyung's approach , a subordinate's  attempt at charming him.

The subtle tries were enough but now being subjected to direct hindrance , made him lose his skill to avoid .

' what do you want ? ' Hoseok was going to get to the bottom of this . the ambiguity of the situation was disturbing his peace of mind.

' I wanted to talk to you about ' Taehyung paused and licked his lips , leaning forward . He was close enough to touch his lips on the shell of Hoseok's ears.

The puff of breath his mouth left slid a blade of goosebumps along Hoseok's back ' how Kim namjoon is . I saw him leave the files unsigned . He was instructed to complete them wasn't he '

Hoseok's leaping heart just froze for a second. He took a breath of relief.

' Yeah he was instructed, but don't worry he is genius , he can complete 20 signatures in five minutes without a sweat , he doesn't need to rethink before signing '

' wow , I take a very long time- I need to remember how my sign looks and slowly try to perfectly imitate that ' Taehyung said and leaned on the tabletop  , playing with the tip of his tie. It was red like his tongue, just the way his tongue left his mouth , wet a corner and with one peek went back in .

' I need to go home now , we don't have anything important coming up do we ? ' Hoseok wondered if his voice sounded on the verge of excitement. Because that was what he felt- excitement. Unexplainable , unavoidable.

' You really want to go home now ? We could catch up with coffee, even though I like tea ' Taehyung was carefree and light-hearted with the conversation, and the more he acted this unfazed way , the more Hoseok felt suspicious of him . Every action of Taehyung's was like a calculated risk to Hoseok.

Maybe , just maybe Hoseok was overthinking. But his intuition isn't that weak. Taehyung must have had other intentions , Hoseok didn't want to think about .

' No thanks , some other day : sure ' Hoseok politely declined and started to put the towel back to the basin rack .

He turned and Taehyung took his wrist in a grab. Hoseok never in his life felt like a captive . His desperation to leave and never turn back increased , as Taehyung's strength did ( it didn't, it was in his head )

' Are you desperate ? ' Taehyung let go of his wrist and Hoseok stood still like stone . Like pieces of wood he couldn't move , fearing for his dear prestige for his position for society for dignity ' I mean are you desperate to go back now? I could walk a Little with you ? '

' Let me go , I have someone waiting for me '

' Oh . Okay . ' Taehyung's silence was like one of those silences where you feel like there's headphones plugged and a sound is screaming louder than ear tolerance .

Hoseok left the place with an unfinished,incomplete feeling clouding his mind .

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