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He was working with his eyes fixated on the screen , when taehyung came close behind him. Breathing down on his neck he looked at his work over the shoulder. Hoseok tried to keep his cool , taehyung had been kinder to him for quite sometime. But it's these times when taehyung casually leans close that drove him crazy.  

But hoseok didn't even like him , he was another man who worked with him and they couldn't be anything more than colleagues.  He held a strong belief that taehyung was acting completely normal and this proximity , taking up personal space was all in his head. 

' yeah? ' he confidently asked turning his head to the side . Taehyung looked focused. He hummed back absently and moved his head closer . Hoseok quickly looked away trying to avoid pressing his own lip to taehyung's cheek even the slightest . 

' I'm just looking at the screen trying to understand how you remember so many things ' taehyung said not thinking much. Hoseok laughed shyly. He was embarrassed by the compliment and brushed it off ' it's nothing once you get used to it ' 

In weeks they had made a single conversation and hoseok was excited with the new feeling. He felt something bloom inside , glad to have gained taehyung's friendship or whatever acquaintance label it was. 

' to be honest I don't think it's that easy ' taehyung said this time pulling his head back , hoseok turned his head to the side trying to see where he is going . 

' I think we could go for lunch today '  taehyung vaguely suggested as he invited hoseok while scratching his neck .

' we sure can ' hoseok said looking at his phone and thinking his decision through 

' okay let me know , I'll be working at my desk . ' he left the place , shoes tapping against the floor sound turning fainter by the second. 

Hoseok texted namjoon a minute later...


You: I won't come for lunch today , got something to do. 

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