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' You look distressed ' Jungkook had observed right about him . Hoseok had practically brisk walked his way out just to avoid coming across him again.

' I do feel a little anxious , but that's because of the new project we have . Just back from work '

' Oh , new project ? Can I help? ' Jungkook buzzed like an  electric fence when Hoseok mentioned about it .

Hoseok noticed how determined he was and chuckled . ' Of course you can , but it's not your area of expertise '

' You know if you teach me I can do it ! ' and he pulled at Hoseok's coat , removing it completely from his body .

' thanks ' Hoseok paused before saying again , ' But one thing , if you want to participate with important work assigned to you . Then I suggest you work hand in hand with our sub-advisor . You both have the same degree of knowledge and skills in the same area '

Hoseok knew it was a risk mixing his relations with work but he needed a break. the work environment was getting too hard for him , seeping into his usual life.

Jungkook clinged to his back , looping his arms through Hoseok's armpits and hooking them to Hoseok's shoulders .

Hoseok was used to Jungkook since they were living like this. It wasn't anything new . And now Hoseok didn't even care with Jungkook sniffing , nosing , lightly biting him .

It was like a sibling with baby habits . Jungkook always slept in his bed when lacking sleep , their lives interlaced so intricately that Hoseok couldn't separate him and he couldn't separate Hoseok.

Jungkook took a large inhale off hoseok's neck , ' Hyung you want Noodle soup? I made some with friend rice for the afternoon , you can choose mmhm '

He muffled his voice and buried his face and Hoseok gurgled with a little smile-laugh . Jungkook closed his eyes and loosened his grip , like he smelt some scented candle and now got lost in it .

' I'm going to shower ' Hoseok had relaxed and no longer remembered the alarming feeling he got when Taehyung tried to connect to him .

' Bye hyung '

He let go of hoseok . Hoseok went about his bath .

But no , Hoseok didn't have an idea if he lit a fire too small or he poured gasoline over acres and let a lighted matchstick drop.

thank you so much for supporting with upvotes , I'll be updating more .

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