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" Should I make you something ? ' hoseok asked him after giving a silly grin.

Taehyung stared him stupid , after feeling hoseok burning up he definitely would drag him to bed to
( 😏 not what you thinking ) make him rest.

' where's your medicines ' taehyung went serious mode  eyes turning cold within a second.  Hoseok couldn't say another word , as he immediately reached out for the strip of tablets on the corner table.

' I think you should change into something comfortable , hand the coat over to me ' and with that taehyung stretched his palm out .

Well hoseok had to hesitate. Everything was okay till here , he was in nothing but the thin material ,showing  the silhouette of everything that was left to the imagination .

To make it better he had just woken up , bricked . By now it should have gone away with other things going on but no , it stayed as much as he tried to get away with it.

' what? ' Taehyung asked him again. Quickly devising something hoseok answered with a stammer " uh-h I don't think , This feels nice and warm "

' No . Give it to me right now , you'll get blankets ' taehyung coaxed him like a mother.  hoseok had high temperature already but his face turned a shade darker.

He took it off hoping taehyung wouldn't notice. He quickly turned away . Taking large steps to his room.

Taehyung caught him on the way , holding his hand .
' what's wrong? '
hoseok turned at him obliquely .  ' Nothing I'm going back to my room , thank you for coming '

' wait are you sending me away? Already ' he said and crowded hoseok in front . Hoseok couldn't face away from him anymore.

' y-' before he could say anything taehyung burst out laughing. He was almost in tears from the force of laughter . And the way he shyly covered his face made hoseok forget for the second why he was concerned for his laughing.

' were you turning away for this? Didn't you know as a teenager cold water is the savior ' taehyung held the wall to support himself to calm down.

Hoseok hadn't felt this embarrassed since high school. Judging by his frown and upturned pouty lips taehyung had to rethink advising him on such a thing.
Maybe it was too soon-

Hoseok laughed too. Taehyung was giddy . But it quickly turned awkward as hoseok started to walk to the bathroom.  Taehyung stood there silently.

Hoseok knew taehyung's advice way before , but how could he explain that he opened the door right after being out of bed.


guys thank you so much for voting especially on every chapter if you did , I can see the book as 7th book when you search vhope up! Can you? 

I'll be taking a break! Don't go away ;)

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