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' Fuck. '

Hoseok woke up , sweaty . He looked at the watch, time nearing 2 am. He couldn't get a wink of sleep with thoughts pounding at the back of his head.  

what if he was forced to leave?

what if he couldn't do the job on time ? 

what if he was confronted again? 

He felt like a pressure chamber , high pressurized with no escape but only to burst .Jungkook couldn't help them anymore as Taehyung found new collaborations with so much better experience and more investors .

Hoseok felt like gritting and grinding his teeth in anger . They were doing well , gradually progressing slow and steady . Taehyung just stuck a big nose in and made alterations. Surprisingly no one even questioned it leaving no room for suggesting Jungkook. 

Hoseok looked at the latter's face lit on a side with moonlight.. Sleeping so peacefully just beside Hoseok who couldn't shut his mind.

It was already bad Hoseok had to overwork himself because apparently to increase productivity they have to follow strict deadlines that are narrowed down from a week to three days , also another idea by Taehyung.

But the worst part  was , Jungkook's enthusiasm being the butt of the joke. Hoseok heard it , Hoseok knew it . ' Oh poor guy didn't get proper training yet dived in to slow us down ' he heard them speak and talk about Jungkook with such disdain , it made him wish to turn deaf to their words. 

Thankfully jungkook left the job the day he was told , ' You aren't working properly , we need to find replacements for your help ' he may be younger but his sense of dignity was as good as a king. Hoseok liked that and felt a little relief that Taehyung may have had control over a lot of things now , but he couldn't seep into their personal life.

Maybe , a tiny chance that Hoseok hadn't set a great big fire and a bucket of water could help put it out. 


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