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' I'm never going to see them again. ' Jungkook said taking hoseok's hand in his palm. They waved farewell adieu and once again the cool wind touched hoseok's face. 

 the glass doors were fogged with warmth inside. The cold made their nose twitch . Hoseok left with a shiver shaking his whole body. 

It hit him all at once. Hoseok was quiet and biting back feelings . Jungkook held his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. He looked vulnerable , it struck a chord in Jungkook.

' does it still affect you? I think it's been a long time. ' Jungkook asked him trying to pry into the mirror of his emotions.

Hoseok tried averting his eyes dodging the question. ' no. ' his voice could be hardly made out . 

'You look like a stoner ' Jungkook said giving his bunny teeth. It was going to rain, so they started brisk walking . Hoseok tried hard to keep composed neutral expressions.

' no tell me truly,  whatever he tried to say would you feel strained to think back- I think you're stronger than that ' Jungkook was careful with his words , not trying to tell hoseok directly he was being hurt . 

' I don't , don't feel anything anymore. ' hoseok just wanted to stop fucking up once again. He doesn't believe his personal life is his anymore . Derision to someone , he wanted to be taken seriously.

' then , tell me why. Why you look so nervous whenever he says anything ? ' Jungkook decided to put his whole strength to persuade hoseok into spilling everything. 

Like the time hoseok made him.

' I'm not nervous , he's annoying ' hoseok rolled eyes . ' well clearly your voice doesn't quiver when you talk to him , you dont almost grit teeth talking about him.' 

Hoseok didn't answer him after that . 

They got into the apartment and stripped down to shorts and shirts. ' are you acting nervous because you like him? ' Jungkook asked him like he's talking about last night's rice 

' are you crazy? ' hoseok said eyes wide, Jungkook laughed . 

' I know you wouldn't,  that's the worst choice , but just making sure. ' Jungkook received a slap on the back of his head .

Taehyung would check hoseok's friends , his past , dating history. How could hoseok help if he liked the way it makes him feel , maybe it's just a little attention he's looking for. 


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