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Jungkook looked at them . He felt like he had interrupted something important as they kept exchanging wordless glances.

' ahem ' he cleared his throat. The silence felt awkward . Taehyung drawed up straight. Hoseok stirred his drink once again trying to cool it down.

' so how's life? ' he tried to make conversation but terribly failed as a weird grin came over his face.
' Oh it's fine , tell me about yours ' Taehyung leaned forward and propped his face in his hands. 

' mine , well– it's fine too ' Jungkook replied as Hoseok sipped right beside. He sat between them as the tense atmosphere made him internally cringe.

' is it usually this silent at most of your lunches ? ' Jungkook asked looking at Hoseok. Hoseok rolled his lips in . The drink burned his lip.

' mostly ' he rubbed the back of his palm over his mouth. Taehyung looked at his face and his mouth formed an '0' as he almost tried to blow on his lips.

He stopped immediately realising what he was going to do. Jungkook held back a laugh. They were extremely unrelaxed even after all this time.

he looked at his phone.  ' I think I have to go now , sorry for just crash landing your lunch ' Jungkook smiles thinking maybe they'd act more free if he wasn't there.

' no problem really , we were going to leave soon ' Hoseok finished his drink and kept the cup with a clink. Taehyung looked at him , as if thinking of what to say.

' thank you for staying ' Tae waved at Jungkook who gave a thumbs up as he left the place with only his silhouette visible at the corner of the glass window overlooking the place.

' so , you're going to go back now? ' Taehyung asked Hoseok who was swiping his screen with a finger . ' huh? Yeah I thought I would , is there anything? ' He cocked an eyebrow .

Taehyung bit his lip and released it with a slight pop. Hoseok would never admit his eyes fixating at that action.

' I wanted to say ... Will you guys come to my place , this weekend . I'm calling some friends over ' he rubbed the back of his head , a little flustered to propose that.

Hoseok was silent for a moment , he looked into his eyes trying to understand him. ' your house? ' he sounded absent with the question.

The image of Taehyung working on the laptop , focused and brows furrowed . In Hoseok's bedroom— the day he woke up to the surprise flashed right that second . Hoseok couldn't help but grimace at the thought.

' my house , well this Saturday to be exact ' Taehyung wanted to go back and stop himself already. Hoseok's face looked like he wasn't even going to step in the building , his home is a far thing.

' Yes ' Hoseok said. Taehyung was taken aback for a second. It shouldn't make him so giddy but he wasn't expecting Hoseok to agree.

' I'll send you the location 'he moved his hand to pick the bag with alacrity , Hoseok held his hand back. ' I already know where you live ' Taehyung face was adorned with wonder.

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