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proofread specially by  @BONNoBONNoYa !!!


Hoseok looks at Taehyung’s face. After hugging him for some time , Taehyung had managed to get a grip on himself. So he stopped hugging and rubbed his eyes.

Hoseok's chest was still shivering with emotion . In a tiny tremble , Hoseok held Taehyung's hand . Then , silently made him sit down.

" Hyung , I didn't ,  I didn't know why , I didn't mean to I- " Hoseok pressed a slender finger to his lips and shut him up.

" don't speak ," he said , and Taehyung looked at him. His eyes were still shining , lashes wet , and Hoseok observed him closely.

Hoseok watched him for some time. He was beautiful and looked tired. It was evident he was suffering. 

Hoseok was devoid of  any expression before the dam broke, and his emotions were pouring out .

He had to close his eyes before he began to speak , " Taehyung, it's not your fault.  Its just that I am scared. It's something new , something unthinkable before now. "

" I wanted to apologise ;  I'm sorry , please don't ignore me. " Taehyung rambles a little , voice slurring.

" it's okay , you don't have to apologise. " Hoseok caressed his shoulder.

Taehyung couldn't understand how he was so starved for Hoseok’s touch , and in such little time ,  how Hoseok managed to make him attached.

It was not like the other times; it differed from the other women Taehyung liked. It wasn't easy.

Maybe Taehyung was mistaken for Hoseok's friendliness . Maybe Taehyung was mistaken that this was friendship. But he hasn't been so sure ever before.

He was sure he craved more , Hoseok's smell , sight , sound . He didn't have any restraint to his thoughts and thought with his conscious and subconscious.

It was more than friendship. Hoseok thought , seeing Taehyung get so distracted by his face.

Taehyung stared at Hoseok , everyone knew. And their dynamics had changed with the little gestures . 

hoseok couldn't resist glancing. Taehyung wet his lip with a peek of his tongue. the tear streaks are already drying. His eyes were resting on the verge of closing.

Hoseok kept his palm on the curve where Taehyung’s neck dips and meets his shoulder. Taehyung was unfazed as his eyes were cast further down.

Hoseok had to look down, too , and their pinkies brushed. Taehyung grazed their pinkies and linked them.

Hoseok was flustered but didn't shy away ,  he kept their pinkies linked. Taehyung took a sharp inhale and exhaled long.

" I must go now. "  Taehyung took away his warmth , leaving behind the moment they had.

Hoseok didn't reply to him with a goodbye.

Hoseok finally cried ; the tears rolled down like tiny rivulets and collected on the space between his eye and nose. He had no idea what he was holding back, but with that , he felt a weight lift from his shoulder.

Ignoring Taehyung was challenging in itself.

When Taehyung reaches home, he immediately calls Jimin to tell him how it went with Hoseok.

Jimin hears his friend's voice break through the phone. Like the first drops of rain giving relief after drought, Jimin heaves a breath he had been holding back. 

Jimin doesn't want to blame Hoseok for Taehyung’s misery. He understands where he's coming from. With his heart at stake after already getting hurt, Hoseok still needed time to heal. 

Jimin had gained a perspective from Taehyung’s steadily changing feelings about Hoseok. He knew somewhere Taehyung was jealous of Hoseok, and all the pent-up anger and outbursts were for the lack of acceptance. 

Taehyung had denied liking Hoseok in the way he does now. He remembers the argument and contempt. 

That night, Jimin sleeps more soundly, feeling the conflict has been resolved. 

Taehyung can't sleep a wink as he thinks harder and harder about his needs and wants. 

He snatches at his sheets, frustrated at himself for complicating things. He thinks how hurt Hoseok was when he got so close to his face. 

But Taehyung can't help it. His self-control fails him sometimes. Impulses are more accessible to act upon. He tries to find the shame in himself for wanting to kiss the man. 

Only in vain. He envies how controlled Hoseok is and envies every way Hoseok is affected yet unaffected.

If only Taehyung could sweep Hoseok off his feet. Eventually, his eyes fall shut calmly and peacefully.

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