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' So you aren't talking ? Or he isn't ? ' he was confused.  

' We , we aren't talking . ' Taehyung slouched on his chair , barely keeping track of the conversation . 

' But it seems like he is talking , last time I asked he said everything was fine?' there wasn't a reply to the question.

He looked at his dull face and examined the room. 

After carefully scanning he decided no one had visited him for quite sometime.Taehyung made no response yet .

' Your house looks a little dirty ' he said looking at the dried flowers on the vase. Not vaguely referring to the whole set of clothes on the couch which looked like someone stripped. 

' yeah what? ' 

' your house  , you should clean it ' he said pulling his jacket on .

' oh what about that guy? Did he return your colours yet ? ' Taehyung tactfully changed the topic. 

He was flustered by the mention and looking at the shoes seemed interesting. ' Not yet . He took one of the references and started using it too ' he said trying not to give away everything.

' hey , ask him firmly you seem really loose with that guy ' Taehyung said nudging him trying to make him look directly at him. 

' uh last time we shared the reference really well ' and there he was looking elsewhere like he was obstructing some kind of thought from coming back.

Taehyung felt unfamiliar with this behavior of his , and decided not to dig deeper because he didn't want to be questioned back on that argument with Jimin who doesn't really know things. 

' I'll be leaving,  make up you guys.  We haven't been together since ages. I want to go somewhere this weekend. ' 

Taehyung rolled his lips distastefully , ' I'll try. See yuh ' . With an awkward wave he left. Taehyung almost toppled from his chair with tiredness.

The door unlocked once again , 'oh and you have to meet this guy . This weekend okay ?  , Don't forget to lock the door ! ' and he leaves again. 

Taehyung sighed. He wanted to avoid people at most , already having attended so many meetings he wanted a break. 

And mail after mail he sent , and it made his neck want to break. 


Thank you so much for the votes . I think the real thing is unraveling little by little . Much awaited vhope coming soon 😏 . Is the story that interesting that yall forget to comment 😭

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