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I need to tell you something:

' He looks really salty ' Jungkook observed.
' I don't know whats wrong , he's probably jealous you're so good at work ' It made Hoseok annoyed at how Taehyung was acting . He opened the key with a grimace on his face.

' Also he hated me with you around , when we first met he wasn't acting that moody - what a boomer ' jungkook clicked the switch on and went onto hang the sling bag full of papers.

Hoseok slapped his butt on the way ' he also doesn't have a friend as good as you '

' no there's a friend he keeps texting , wasn't he calling me out on UnPrOfFeSiOnAlIsm ' Jungkook bounced his head left and right feigning annoyance while mimicking him.

Hoseok started with small fits of laughter , which increased by the second and within few seconds he was back to laughing till the sky fell .

' If I'm being honest , his behaviour is really childish. I don't see him in the same light as others .'

' Yeah I agree but let's not treat him with contempt , I think what he does is good quality no matter how he acts ' Jungkook commented.

that would be fair , Hoseok thought . ' Okay , but I need to tell you something. '

' Oh really? Well first I need to show you something and you tell while I show you ? ' Jungkook proceeded to take out the papers from his bag and the bag dropped on the ground.

A thing rolled on the ground from inside as small as a crayon but much thicker.

He looked careful enough and it was a lipstick. Jungkook quickly picked it and shoved it in his pocket.

' Now you need to tell me something too ' Hoseok said implying about that thing.

' ugh ,  Yeah I do '

thank you for the support. I would be glad to know your opinions , please comment if you'd like to.

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