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Taehyung is typing something on his laptop. hoseok almost jumps from his bed- ' where'd y- come from!' He failed to form words with tongue in a tangle . Mouth felt dry as he probably overslept. ' you don't remember? You must be sleepy already by that time, the medicine worked well...'

Hoseok tried recalling , had taehyung stayed the night there? ' did you stay here? What was i doing?' He rubbed the sleep away from his eyes which had a dull burn.
' I slept on the floor , the couch was too small for me ' taehyung shrugged like he had done that before , hoseok looked at him in disbelief.  Was this the same taehyung who didn't care when hoseok was sick for overworking ?

'I can't believe this ' hoseok said, bed hair and puffy face making his surprised expression cuter. ' well now you do , I'm right here. Oh , also there's a woman coming to see me ,your place is much cleaner so we'll just talk for a few minutes '

Taehyung smiled and hoseok took a good moment to process it. ' god , hell no! You can't bring just anyone here- that too a woman?! ' ' but she's on the way in fifteen minutes she'll be here-'
'No!' ' I can't tell her to go back now she's almost there now . Ring the bell any minute-'
' You can't,  Oh..My...God! My papers are all over the table ' Hoseok rushed to collect them with Taehyung silently watching him with no action. He hastily picked them few crumpled and scrunched in the process.

Taehyung held him by the chest and hoseok froze in place. ' You don't need to care so much . Take rest and I'll go away soon . We won't stay here for long.  ' Taehyung's strategic pausing of the deep voice made hoseok shiver with a large hand pressed near his heart. His heart sped up crazily as he pushed him away.
' You- you just... UgH! Nevermind. ' Hoseok started frantically picking up the rest of it . The sound of the bell made him malfunction picking up racing speed as he ran to his room. Taehyung being unfazed by his obsession of guest-pleasing opened the door to a young woman , a hoseok hiding in his room.

' Hi ! Sorry I called you at my friend's , he's busy so he let me . Its better anyways ' Taehyung had a formal edge to his speech , hoseok eavesdropped unconsciously.  He never let him , Taehyung forced it on him!

' Oh no problem. I just got the catalogue for you to look through ' hoseok was perplexed by the woman's voice. If it was really her. He couldn't risk letting his presence be known . He hid there holding his breath. Taehyung's laugh was pleasant , it almost seemed he had his lover over.

Hoseok fell into a panic as she talked , her voice quaked him through and with little difficulty hoseok held back a cough that threatened. He covered himself in a blanket thinking how he'd run away if he could. His new apartment felt like a poisoned cell , with the smell of her perfume being stronger by the second.

Taehyung , unbeknown to Hoseok's state engaged enthusiastically in her conversation. It surfaced to him once in five minutes if hoseok was doing okay but he continued to talk. It'll be a few more minutes till he's gone from there.

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