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Taehyung  looks at the sky outside.  Rain threatens to pour.  It slowly drizzles at first turning heavy quickly. It's late summer and the winds are humid. He gets into the elevator and before long he waves at passing taxis. A little later he notices hoseok is leaving the office too. He sees hoseok hurry without an umbrella to the bus stop. He is half wet , his white shirt translucent with the water rolling on the expanse of his back.

Taehyung could only make out his back and could say that hoseok didn't notice him under the umbrella.

Hoseok shivered a little and then rubbed his sides to stay warm. Taehyung stopped flagging a taxi and decided to observe him . 

He waited for fifteen minutes before joining hoseok on the stop.

' where are you going? ' Taehyung's question was almost cut off by the wind

Hoseok was caught off guard ' oh?! Me? Home ' 

There was silence before Taehyung answered ' I'm going back home too , it's cold isn't it ? ' he said and stood up to flag down a taxi again 

' yeah it's cold ' he replied softly without much delay . Taehyung immediately got hold of one and stared at hoseok before opening the door to the taxi.

' do you want a drop off ? It's on me ' taehyung suggested contemplating if he did the right thing. 

' no thanks I'll get a bus ' 

' it'll be hard to come by one especially now ' taehyung tried to persuade and hoseok was almost going to say no before he looked at the sky.

' okay . ' they got in the backseat together . Hoseok told the driver to make a trip to taehyung's house first and then asked taehyung's address .

' oh I'll tell him after we drop you ' taehyunf hoseok had no idea they lived in completely different directions.

' but ' before hoseok could say anything taehyung kept a hand on his hand making him shut up ' your house , tell him the place ' taehyung demanded in a formal tone retracting his hand

Hoseok brought his hand to himself and told the directions to his house.


Writer's block sucks

Thank you so much I appreciate you guys who take their time to read , vote and comment. 

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