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Jungkook read through the past texts. It's been  a month since he took hoseok home , hoseok was embarrassed as heck after everything. He hasn't said a word about it since , jungkook would go over taehyung's texts- the location he sent , the way  he assured hoseok is safe- while pondering over what could have happened. 

Hoseok was okay  when they reached home but his face was extremely flushed , eyes tired and lips bitten harshly. 

Jungkook repeatedly questioned him , about the whole incident and hoseok always replied with 'nothing' .

' something must have happened ' he said looking at yoongi the same time yoongi's eyes met his. ' I tried asking him too he is hell bent on not spilling a word. First of all he was hostile with you guys and now this.  I bet he is confused about what he wants to express ' 

' I don't know , I haven't even done anything to him ' jungkook said folding his lips  , dejected. ' I know that , I believe he starts getting like this whenever you are with hoseok . I saw them walk together last day peacefully.  I don't think they are making conversation yet.  '

' conversation? Hyung- they can't even look at each other. I know since we started to go out like this , he softened a bit 'jungkook whispered.

' I am surprised too , a month before the same guy called homosexuality a sickness ' he laughed . 

' but please hyung let him not keep a tail on hoseok hyung. Hyungie is a little depressive after the girl thing , i don't want him to hate us or anything  , but I have to be close to hyung , I feel like he is lovesick.  So I'll protect him from falling in love ' 

Yoongi was endeared but then again he knew how taehyung was a little obsessive with people he liked , if he even had a tiny amount of liking it'll overflow into all consuming devotion.

' I'll try.  '

' and what about you? Who will protect you? ' yoongi smiled as he asked knowing deep down jungkook was a goner

 ' maybe I've already fallen its just a realisation away 'jungkook mused over no one. 


At this point I feel.like making this hopekook because the chemistry flows easily but I don't know whats the endgame ( shrugs)

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