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Namjoon tapped his fingers impatiently.

Hoseok mistakes were dilatory , Namjoon waited for him to complete his drafting because they made it a regular to go lunch together.

But lately hoseok was distracted and work was slower than usual. They were missing lunches.

' what's wrong ? ' Namjoon asked as Hoseok looked up from his work.

He raised an eyebrow at Namjoon's question .  ' Nothing ' he said and started to work again.

' something is definitely. you are acting distant and we don't talk much '

' Thank you so much for reaching out , I really wanted to meet up but work is keeping me busy ' hoseok said chewing his lip absently.

Namjoon kept a hand on Hoseok's. He looked into his eyes trying to coax him to spill more ,  as though confronting hoseok would help.

Hoseok was enveloped in a confused rigidness. Taehyung was in the adjacent row , not even directly looking at him.

But he watched Namjoon's hand on his like a hawk , eyeing him subtly.

Hoseok cleared his throat. ' I'm done , let's go . ' Namjoon's hand took off.

They cleared up the papers. Taehyung was no longer subtly looking . Alternating between his desk and hoseok's departure he didn't care that hoseok knew his eyes were on him.

He barely stopped looking at hoseok's lithe back , it sloping down , his eyes following it unconsciously - his eyes travelled lower.

It was only when hoseok's figure was no longer visible he looked down to his own desk.

' He must be crazy ' Namjoon said , keenly observing everything.

' What do you mean? ' hoseok asked acting nonchalant.
' you did see it , didn't you? '

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