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This work is mine but you know who's the savior who proofreads? @BONNoBONNoYa


Everyone went back to their rooms. The manager allotted the rooms , so no one could say anything.  Jungkook got a room with Taehyung and Hoseok with the manager.

Sihyuk was a good man, but he slept like a tractor engine on full revving.  

Hoseok was a light sleeper, and he had extreme trouble sleeping even in a separate bed. The constant snoring made him sleepless, and he couldn't do anything about it. The first night, he didn't sleep a wink. It affected his performance a lot, making him irritable. The next night, he was determined to get some sleep. 

With a pillow under his arm, he left the room quietly.  He knocked on Jungkook's room, and as expected, he was still awake. Oh shit. Hoseok forgot for a minute that Taehyung was sharing the room. The hot steam from the bathroom doorway hit his face when Taehyung opened the door. 

He froze in place as Jungkook just let him in. He didn't dare to look in Taehyung’s direction, and he just proceeded to ignore his existence and talk to Jeon. 

" I need to sleep here; the manager is killing me with his snoring. "Hoseok raked his eyes over the beds. For the second time, Oh shit. The manager and his beds were separate, but the bed here was joined. 

A single king-sized mattress was good for two people, Hoseok thought he could share some space with Jungkook, making three of them. There's no way. 

His thoughts are filtered in by Taehyung, a single towel covering his chest around his neck. A towel down his waist. His wet hair is straight, with drops of water weighing down the ends. He shuffles around in the sheets and pops a brush from the vanity bag he found. He leaves silently, and the sight dooms Hoseok. It has him silent and has Jungkook confused.

Why Hoseok goes silent? He gauges Hoseok’s expression. He deems it as surprise and waits for Hoseok to start talking again. 

" So I was saying, I changed my mind. I'm going to sleep in my room, heh,. Goodnightbye, "Hoseok said and turned to leave. Taehyung stopped in front of the bathroom. Their eyes met for a split second before Hoseok moved towards the door. 

Jungkook stopped him in his tracks. 

" Oh no, no, hyung, you become a crazy squirrel chewing my head like nuts. Get some good sleep. Stay? "Jungkook suggests with a sing-song tone. 

Taehyung skipped his way to his side of the bed and popped his headphones in like he was unbothered. But he was listening keenly, wanting to see where the conversation goes.

Hoseok swims in his head. Part of him is tired and unfocused enough for his gaze to drift to Taehyung on the bed, shorts bunching around his thighs with his legs crossed, relaxed with the shirt neck dipping at the sternum, the crease between his bulked chest. 

Hoseok stops.

He stops with the gaze, attaching the steadily forming mental image to his memory. " I think no, it will be cramped for us. Maybe the manager won't like it. " 

Jungkook was still stubborn. " I'll get a mattress from room service and sleep on the floor . Don't worry".

" Not happening. I can't sleep like that. I'm used to you, and if not you, I'd better sleep on the floor. " 

" Please, I'll sleep in the middle. It won't be that cramped up. We can't ask Tae-hyung to sleep on the floor. It would help if you didn't sleep either. " 

" Don't argue about that; let me sleep on the floor; I'll sleep well. " Hoseok proceeds to dial the room service the second he ends the sentence.

"Hello, can I get a mattress? 

"yes, sir, you can. But separate charges for added persons will be issued. Should we send the mattress right now? 
No, thank you, " he cuts the call, " Kookie, I'm sleeping in the manager's room. Sorry I troubled you. " 

"Hyung, why? You can sleep here! Fine, I'll go to the manager's room. You can't stop me now! "  Jungkook snatched the pillow up with one hand. 

" No, don't! Fine, I'll sleep here." Hoseok puts a hand up in defeat.

" Hey, hey. I'm going. You guys keep thinking. I'd rather sleep in the manager's room. Good luck with Gguk in the middle; he would barely fit there. "Taehyung collects his extra pillow and the third pillow he keeps. He shuffles with the pillows in the room like a heavy polar bear. Jungkook grabs his shirt at the back. 

" No one goes anywhere. I won't force anyone out. I can sleep in the middle, and you can't because we can't fit all those pillows you need. We won't sacrifice our sleep." 

Hoseok is surprised by Jungkook's voice. Very rarely, he speaks this cold.
" Hey. don't mind me. I'm very sleepy."

Hoseok dives in the middle and pretends to sleep. 

Both Jungkook and Taehyung were stunned. Neither wakes Hoseok up, but neither gets into bed. They think of starting another argument about going to the manager's room but stop as they realise Hoseok is already breathing softly. 

It falls into a rhythm as he slowly drifts to sleep. jungkook sits down on his left as Taehyung arranges his china wall of pillows on the right. His butt barely sits on the tiny space that's left for him to sleep, but he does sit and start his music again.  

" wanna see something?" Jungkook whispers to Taehyung, and Taehyung takes their headphone off. "Hmm?" Jungkook strokes Hoseok's hair and then runs his hands through it. He gently tucks a few tiny hairs behind his ear and spreads his fingers apart as he strikes softly over the expanse of Hoseok’s back. 

Hoseok visibly relaxes even more if he could in his sleep. He started in a curled-inward position, and then slowly, his body unravels into an unfurled spread-out position. " here. He told me it reminds him of his childhood. He likes it when someone strokes him in his sleep. " Jungkook takes Taehyung's hand, places it on the spot he had his hand on, and Taehyung limply strokes Hoseok's soft hair once. 

In his sleep, Hoseok looked blissed out. " sure he won't mind me doing this?" Taehyung played with the strands, gently rolling a few between his fingers. " he won't. Just be very, very careful and gentle.", Jungkook says and pulls the covers over his chest.

Taehyung leans down and reclines. He stops the music and puts the headphones away. He feels Hoseok's back with careful fingertips and weaves his fingers in his hair. He takes in the feel of Hoseok’s back through his shirt.

Simply adoring Hoseok relaxes Taehyung himself, and slowly, without realising, he steps over the pillow china wall, destroying that boundary on his own. He doesn't overthink when his eyes close, leaving his hand close to Hoseok’s skin. 

Hoseok is the first to wake up. He sees the familiar sight of Jungkook's head and face peeking through his mussed hair. He contently tries to turn, only to find that he slept on his back. Rolling his head over, he looks to the other side.

On the other side, Taehyung has his face buried near his shoulder, breath falling on his collarbone. he doesn't move any more until something sends spiked shock waves through his body. 

He experiences a dull ache all too familiar. He tries to crane his neck and look at himself. But in vain. Pain shoots up his spine as Taehyung's knee presses rough on his sensitive groin.

He doesn't know the remedy for the circumstance he found himself in, but just laying still all the while throughout the pain is the only option.

He waits for the morning wood to subside on its own, only to get betrayed whenever Taehyung moves the slightest. 

God, Taehyung does move a lot in his sleep. The teenager hormonal Hoseok would have rubbed back much faster. He would have taken what he wanted severely, what his body wanted.

This Hoseok couldn't. 

Too dangerous. Damn too dangerous. Hoseok thought.
He couldn't tread through this minefield, laying still like a statue. 

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