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proofreading by- (cue the drum rolls) @BONNoBONNoYa !!

Hoseok stays close to Jungkook, and he hopes for Namjoon to come and join them soon. He doesn't waste any time trying to talk to other people setting up the equipment for their work. 

Everyone was getting ready to start the work, so he followed them and arranged his papers and laptop in position. 

The hotel conference hall was smaller but had good lighting, Hoseok noted and started talking to Jungkook about it. 

Jungkook didn't pay much attention to him, and he got busy with his arrangements. Hoseok was done with his part already and started to fidget in his place. 

He wanted to help Jungkook, so he picked up the tangled conference mic and Jungkook's headset wires. He separated them with concentration. 

Taehyung had noticed they were the only ones standing there, and everyone else had settled, so naturally, he walked to them and started to help Hoseok untangle the wires.

Once he finished a small part, he approached the part Hoseok was untangling. 

When their parts came together, the wire wasn't long enough to keep them more than a foot away - Hoseok unintentionally tried to give the person a hard stare for meddling in his work.

On looking up slowly from the fingers to the face of the other, Hoseok's expression had softened to a serious one. He silently took the rest of the wire and handed it to Jungkook.

"Hyung? Hello? " Taehyung was awkwardly taken aback.

" Taehyung, please go back, and the conference will start soon. I'm one of the first few presenters ",

Hoseok couldn't resist talking back. 

Taehyung defeatedly backed away without saying what he wanted to say.

Jungkook texted Jimin, saying, 'Poor hyung got stopped '. 

' try getting them small talk ', 

Jimin had replied to his text as soon as he sent it. 

' conference starting. I'll try ',  Jungkook replied. He also texted Yoongi with,' miss you too ' after getting a text full of emojis. 

As soon as the first presenter started the presentation, The room went silent.

People were listening attentively, and after a few presenters, it was Hoseok's turn to speak. 

Taehyung still had the same longing in his eyes from the first time. Hoseok had to avert his eyes away from the man seated so close to the slide projector. 

When the conference ended, and coffee was served before the group discussion, Jungkook got up to go and sit near Namjoon. Hoseok wanted to get up and go after him, but next to Namjoon was Taehyung.  

Hoseok promised himself things wouldn't get weird, but he avoided the other man. 

But soon Jungkook with Namjoon had to come to him, and Taehyung tagged along. 

"Hyung, would you like to go to lunch with us after this? We are going to explore downtown! " Jungkook smiles sweetly at the request. 

" yes," Hoseok replies meekly. 

" you hyung? " Jungkook touches Taehyung's shoulder. As if disturbed by his prance-like state, Taehyung gets surprised. 

" Oh, uhm " he looks between Hoseok and Jungkook, trying to find some answer from Hoseok's eyes. Jungkook innocently pleads with his face.

" uh, yes " Taehyung hesitates but agrees. They all wait for the shuttle downtown that would directly take them.  

Jungkook is the first to spot one shuttle slowing down, with Taehyung sitting under the shade and Namjoon on his phone; Hoseok was just a few feet from the stop.

"Hyung, Hyung! Someone join me " Jungkook runs up to the shuttle, and the doors open. The ticket machine shows him a green tick for inserting coins.  

Namjoon and Taehyung reach the gate, and as soon as Namjoon boards, the green tick turns into a red cross. 

" huh? "Taehyung asks, freezing on the stairs to the door. 

"seats full,"  the driver says, accent weighing heavy on the tongue. 

" you go, I'll come later ",

Taehyung gets off the stairs,

" but Hyung. Ugh, bring Hoseokie hyung. "We will send the location; bring Hoseokah along ",

Namjoon added with Jungkook's words as the shuttle door released a hiss and began to close,

" I will ! " was the last word Taehyung could get to them before the shuttle door shut, and it slowly restarted. 

Taehyung reeled back quickly and was hit with Hoseok's hand, " Ohh, sorry ",

" It's okay, I was standing too close. What happened? " 

"The shuttle got full. We have to wait now ", Taehyung said dejectedly, hand skimming down his face in defeat. 

" wait? But the next shuttle is in forty-five minutes."

Hoseok fell silent after stating that. Silence took over them for minutes. 

Before the silence could stretch any longer, Taehyung checked his phone. 

" they're eating here, and I'm getting a cab. It isn't that much pricey than the shuttle. "

Taehyung proceeds to pay for the cab. Hoseok stops him with a light tug at his hand.

" It's only 15 minutes of walk from here. Let's use maps and walk ", Hoseok reasoned with Taehyung. 

" Fine ... if you say so.", and they started to walk.

30 minutes later,

" Are you sure you're walking in the right direction? It's feeling like hours ",

Hoseok said, looking into the maps app. It showed seven more minutes. 

" Yeah, I think I am; it says there's traffic before us ",

Taehyung says, looking into his app.

" I think you aren't going the right way. We should have reached a long time ago; the map says it's the longer route".

Hoseok scratches his head. How could a 15-minute journey become so long, and when did they take the wrong turn?

" But in my app, it shows it's right ",

Taehyung argues passively and aggressively. He felt on edge from the walking and not taking the cab.

" Let me see, " Hoseok takes the phone from him and looks disappointed.

" of course, we're going wrong, and you're using the route for cars. "Hoseok returned his phone.

" I knew this was a stupid idea. We don't know the place well ", Taehyung grit his teeth.

" Well, if the mistake wasn't that stupid, we might have reached within 15 minutes. "Hoseok rolled his eyes.

Taehyung rolled his lip in, trying to stop any more snarky remarks. He knew if he started, then this would become a problem.

Hoseok saw him rolling his lips in,
" I think let's start over. Sorry, I got agitated. " 

"Sorry, I did too, never mind, let's take the walking route, it's 3 minutes from here. " 

So they took the closest alleyway to walk and finally crashed onto Jungkook and Namjoon's table. It was empty, with just a coffee cup over at Jungkook's spot.

" You guys waited For us? Thanks, man".

Hoseok slung his arm over Jungkook's shoulder. Taehyung couldn't stop his jealous glances. 

" What were you two doing? Why are you looking this sweaty and taking this long? You look very suspicious".

Namjoon's remark had Taehyung choking on the glass of water he was trying to drink.

Hoseok forcedly smiled saying , " We lost the way, heh ", trying to make things less weird.

He had resolved to avoid Taehyung, but circumstances were such he couldn't. 

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