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Taehyung is so nervous , as the guests walk in. He left his door open waiting for everyone to start filing in. He's glancing towards it so many times that he's not even paying attention to what he's doing. The oven tings the fifth time as he rushes to move the chairs to their places.
No one needs to know why he had to drag one to the corner and get his underwear down from the top of a shelf. ( he threw it after coming home— work was boring anyway )

He's picking the chair up  , it's relatively light but he has to roll his sleeves up to keep them from hindering. He places it down back in its position.

Like a deer caught in headlights he freezes. There near the end of the hallway where his living room begins , is standing Hoseok. He's never seen Hoseok out of his work clothes , the precisely drawn tie , sometimes just a shirt or simple t-shirt .

Hoseok meets his eyes , leopard print shirt with a sleeveless black sweater over. Jet black hair shining .  Taehyung eyes scan him over and as much as he hates it , he can't keep his eyes from going over every inch of this Hoseok , out of his usual buisness-attire.

He comes forward in long but delicate strides as if testing the waters on how he's going to come closer. Coming closer , Hoseok is going to say something- stops in his tracks , as he knocks Taehyung's air out from his lungs.

With a tiny smile that grows in intensity, steadily. His smile grows into a heart , flooding like the sunlight in the room. Taehyung has broken out in an unconscious smile himself. If time could have slowed down , it did that moment . Taehyung looks at the breathtaking sight , gently whispering a hushed ' Hello ? '

He doesn't intend for it to come questioning but his hello breaks Hoseok's trance . Hoseok realises how out of breath Taehyung looks and associates it to the heavy  work he's doing. His eyes go to the chair and Taehyung shakes his head .

' It isn't as heavy as it looks ' Taehyung speaks once again , waiting for Hoseok to say something even if the last sentence was a statement without a reply to

' oh , hello ,your house- it's -it's quite - I mean it's wonderful. I like it ' he replied and it gives away how equally nervous Hoseok is . But he's always had that formal edge to his voice , the raspy tone that caught Taehyung's attention the very first time he heard him speak at a meeting.

' thank you. Come take a seat in the other room , there are more people inside '

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