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Taehyung knew he couldn't risk anything today. He tightened his tie before taking a deep breath. The general manager didn't find a better time to keep a party. 

The party was impromptu,  right after the most important meeting of the year, to his disbelief the man just announced everyone to be right there after the meeting , no break in between. 

When he heard the general manager said ,' my treat '. He felt a little relief that he didn't have to cook tonight. 

But he wasn't sure if unlimited fills of hard alcohol was a good treat to eat before sleeping. 

It just ruined his routine , yeah- he did enjoy doing things out of the ordinary but this wasn't what he liked. 

Rendezvous,  movie nights, a nice warm restaurant serving hot food and everyone sharing it. Today none of it , a club with English music , cheap drinks. No wine to suit his taste . 

He hated how the people were being , everyone was sweaty and a man was falling asleep on his shoulder. He decided to lend a shoulder. 

After a little time he was sure his eyes were burning from the colorful lights. He wanted to try a little more alcohol. 

He didnt like the taste, unlike most people. He went to the washroom to wash his mouth , searching thirsting for a glass of normal water nowhere to be found. 

' help ' it was a familiar sound,  Taehyung heard the sound coming from a stall. He couldn't understand why someone would ask for help over here , feeling creeped he was leaving ignoring,  when another cry came. It was really meek and Taehyung felt bugged. 

'Ugh fine' he looked to the lines of stall and there was one closed. He asked from outside 'what's wrong?' 

' ahh I'm stuck ' Taehyung felt his body shiver with the voice , it was hoseok. Maybe he was extremely drunk.  He sounded different , like he was whispering deeply . 

' yeah what? ' 

' help me get out' 

Taehyung didn't want to interact anymore , he tried the door knob . It was jammed . He looked closely and saw a corner of a paper sticking very little. 

Someone jammed it on purpose. Hoseok turned from the inside ,' you there ' 

' just a minute ' Taehyung untied his tie and took the tie pin out . He worked through the tiny gap inserting the tie pin and pushing the paper on the other side 

Hoseok pulled the paper out . 

' a note? For me ?' Who in their right mind would pass a note from the gap between a forced close door and the doorframe? Hoseok was standing and reading it ' one cilantro? Who gets only one? Do you like generic flour- it's bad actually ' Taehyung pulled the door open shreds of paper escaping .

' aw you are not the one- did you get my wallet , I think you shouldn't try searching stuff from back pockets I can feel my butt too ' hoseok was talkative 

Taehyung was about to burst laughing but hoseok had other plans. He fell on Taehyung's chest and looked like a child wanting to be loved . 

' please drink some water ' Taehyung said and internally facepalmed having the thought of handling this man. 

' please get my wallet that man took it 'hoseok made a face that resembled agony , he contorted his eyebrows and opened his mouth slackly.

Taehyung couldn't keep his eyes away as hoseok's face leaned against his neck. He looked and had all kinds of thoughts. 

He closed his eyes shut,  ' stop ' 

Hoseok swung like a pendulum and leaned on the doorframe . 

' have your phone ? ' Taehyung  asked feeling his heart beat really hard. Hoseok was glistening , face red with drinks , looking emo . His solemn attempts and biting lips to stop looking amused like all the colors of the world were on Taehyung's body. 

' yes here ' hoseok unbuttoned his shirt and took out his phone from the chest gap. Taehyung's head was fucked at this point hoseok made no sense 

' why was it there- ' Taehyung was weirded 

' so that man can't take it I put it inside my shirt ' hoseok gave a sheepish smile. 

Taehyung took it from his hand and dialed jungkook . ' hello can you come pick up hoseok , he is a little sick ' Taehyung said before thinking through. 

' oh my God what did you do ? Is he okay why is he sick , I swear I'll call the police-' 

' shut the fuck up he is a drunk rambling man he can't keep straight ' Taehyung kept a hand on his forehead to stop overheating. 

' I'll be there don't move ' jungkook cut the call. 

Hoseok sat down on the floor . ' oh God what now' Taehyung leaned and pulled his arm.

' I won't get up ' 

' the floor is dirty ' 

' my house isn't ' 

' hoseok please ' 

' wow , you plead well ' 

' oof stop right now ' 

' won't ' hoseok pouted like a duck . 

Taehyung leaned down and then whispered in a deep voice 

' I need to go home , I need you,  need you to get up right now so we can go home . ' 

' we can't my wallet has the money ' 

' I'll pay for you ' 

' just for me? ' 

' yeah just for you , can you get up '

' tell me that I'm hot '

' you're hot ' 

' jungkook bet no one will compliment me if I didn't smile , see you did ' 

' huh what?! It doesn't work that way , get up ' 

Hoseok got up and leaned on his arm . 

' you're too mmm ' 

' close? ' hoseok asked

' yeah . Close , nevermind ' Taehyung hooked his arm below his armpit and supported him. 

' you have a sexy voice ' 

' you aren't in your right mind ' 

' plead more , I like it ' what the fuck was hoseok saying.  It made Taehyung's insides lick liquid heat . He burned .

' that's inappropriate , you'll regret it when you get sober ' 

'  inappropriate? just said what was necessary-you have a dirty mind 'hoseok spoke fluent when drunk and Taehyung got the most conversation he could. 

He didn't have a dirty mind but sure had some things going on in his mind.

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