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' Just a minute ' Taehyung's voice is heard over the intercom.  He mediates the presentation slides , dainty and quick fingers sliding across the keyboard.

The room is silent except for the sound of pens scratching , scribbling against paper. Taehyung presents his part easily. Hoseok waits for the next few people to finish before Kim Namjoon's turn. The man radiates intelligence beginning from the part he left the chair till the moment he spoke his last word for the meeting.

Hoseok does his usual , bows before goes back and sits down. Taehyung is smiling at him , quite the unusual as Hoseok gets a note.

" was I great? You were staring
- kth. "

Hoseok bites back that grin , gathering his emotions.
He writes down a note. Passing it by the hands of the three people sitting between the note-writer and him.

" you should fix your shirt button
- jhs. "

Hoseok puts his fist in front of his mouth to cover his oncoming laugh. Taehyung gets the note and immediately looks at his shirt buttons , one button near his upper abdomen open and his shirt gaping and showing a tiny part of his skin. He blushes quite embarrased and continues to look away at the current presenter.

After the meeting everyone is dispersed , leaving Taehyung behind. He wonders if Hoseok left with Namjoon.

But soon after exiting the room the familiar husky chuckle reaches his ears. He turns around only to find Hoseok patting and taking handful of soft hair from Jungkook's head. Taehyung felt a frown unintentionally coming over his face. He relaxed himself and maintained a neutral expression .

He spedwalked his way over to them and brought attention to himself " ahem. Hello " he waved his big palm very slowly keeping his arm close to his body.

The awkward wave made Hoseok’s chuckle amplify. Taehyung secretly laughed inside. He maintaned the neutral expression as his stare hardened on Jungkook.

" I got him lunch and got someone on the way " Jungkook said gesturing to the side where probably Namjoon was standing .

" hey! Look" Jungkook's high pitched voice got everyone to look and Namjoon moved . His frame was covering the mysterious " someone "

" Jamaan " Hoseok went over there quickly and Namjoon was sidestepped as Hoseok tackled forward , crashing and halting in front of Jimin. They did an arm wrap and handshake Taehyung hadn't seen in a while.

Jimin taught him that too? As if sensing Taehyung's thoughts Hoseok calmed down and gracefully moved away from invading Jimin's personal space.

Taehyung pouted. He really did. He couldnt keep it in. How could Jimin so easily worm his way to Hoseok.
Jimin leaned towards his shoulder and whispered to Taehyung ,

" do you want to kiss him that bad ? "  he had his infamous Jimin smirk and Taehyung's ears were turning a shade of pink.

What does Jimin even know , Taehyung is surprised to hear the word , him from his friend . But it's true , Taehyung is betraying his own built reputation. His feelings are a swirl of want , like , confusion.

He doesn't know why but he nods. Jimin has to stop from choking on spit. Taehyung doesn't deny it anymore.

That's development. He thinks about Taehyung. Taehyung is then moving towards Hoseok. His back of the hand grazes along Hoseok's hand. It has Hoseok looking down , to see their hands touching.

Jungkook sees it too now. His eyes connect to Jimin. Namjoon waited for the coffee to cool before he joined them. Taehyung moved his hand away and acted like nothing happened. Namjoon sensed a tension and spoke something to ease it.

" so is anyone interested in bowling night? I got free tickets , only seven. " Namjoon suggests and he sees Hoseok take a hold of his own hand with the other hand , looking hurt.

" I'm interested " Jungkook lifts a hand and pats Namjoon's bicep casually as if checking out it is real or not.

Namjoon smiles . Jimin snakes an arm around his shoulder " me too " Jimin's sudden closeness has Namjoon awkward but he gradually adjusts to it.

" okay " Hoseok's voice is small . But he looks like he's distracted from his previous thoughts now.

" then I guess I'm in too " Taehyung gives a shrug. His shirt lifts in the process and Hoseok wants to tug it back in like a perfectionist.

" so can I bring hyung too ? " Jungkook asks. Jimin eyes see the pleading in Jungkook's body language.  Namjoon couldn't say no to such a good request.

" Yoonie hyung? Offff course " Namjoon uses his english in the last two words that has Jungkook breaking into a wide smile.

" I'm bringing my friend too " Namjoon says and they all cheer as low as possible not to gather attention from other colleagues.

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