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Hoseok walks in and looks around to be met by the sight of many known people. It's most of the people from work . He does the socialising- smiling ,greeting and stands , waits for Taehyung to walk in after him. But after a few awkward seconds he sits down.

Yoongi pats his shoulder , he smiles ' Hyung! ' they've gotten much closer since Jungkook started to meet Yoongi regularly. ' Taehyung inviting you isn't a surprise ' Yoongi states and Hoseok begins to feel all eyes on him.

' everyone knows in here there's some conflict between you and Taehyung ' Namjoon slides another hand wrapping it across his shoulder. Hoseok gives a tight lipped expression to that not taking the conversation further and changing the topic.

' I think the place is nice . He's got good taste ' Hoseok leans forward resting his elbows on his knees , clasping his hands. Namjoon's hand slips from his shoulder. Everyone has formed small groups of two or three , slight chatter filling the room.

Taehyung comes in noisily , huge packs of cans almost falling from his grip. He hastily places them down on the table , plastic rustling and crinkling.

' should've asked help ', Namjoon stretches his arm out and pushes the pack inward to stop it from falling. Hoseok sits up immediately but backs down as Namjoon gets up. ' Oh I can do it , I just tried to be fast— run in here , everyone's waiting ' Taehyung says , visibly embarrassed as he walks out to get more things.

Namjoon follows behind . Hoseok feels agitated inside , will Namjoon bring the topic up? He would hate it if Taehyung's mood was sour.

Things went pretty smoothly after that , with steaming hot , grilled beef and cans of cool beer .  After everyone had more than one can it was evident the initial organized and sensible talking stripped down to raw , unfiltered buzz.

Taehyung brings in the last surprise item , The cabernet sauvignon. It's the last straw for Hoseok who's keeping his restraint from the beginning.

Putting in any more drink in his lightweight system would make things worse. Taehyung's going loose on the alcohol he's renting out .

When the people start to leave it's late in the evening. It's almost 7 when it's empty. The lunching room has a faint lingering smell of food. Taehyung's picking up dishes and wiping down the table. Yoongi , Namjoon and Hoseok still help , they stay back.

' Hyung could you please pass me the glass ? ' the first thing  he hears and it startles Hoseok a bit.

' yeh- yeah sure ' he facepalms internally. Why is he acting so nervous? Hoseok passes the glass and Taehyung leaves, Hoseok's eyes never leave him and now that he thinks Taehyung had such a nice back. Hoseok envied him a bit , he thinks it wouldn't be bad to be Taehyung sometimes and not be Hoseok.

He anchors his thoughts and starts to follow Taehyung's retreating back taking a few more cans in between his fingers.  They reach the secluded corner of the kitchenette where Taehyung keeps his dishes stacked.

' you're so good at cleaning ' Taehyung says , his front turned to the sink. His back visible to Hoseok. Hoseok was his quietest leaving the cans in the trash . Surely he made no sound, but Taehyung could feel his eyes on himself.

' t-hank you' Hoseok punctuates his words with a gulp. He's getting the feeling again , when Taehyung compliments him and he over thinks it's some ulterior motive behind it.

Meanwhile in the living room , Yoongi arranges the scattered pillows and fixes the crumpled fabric . People really dragged their butt down to the floors once drunk , bringing down the covers with them!disgusting ass. Fuck them.

' I agree ' Namjoon said placing the coasters in order.
' Did I say that loudly ? ' Yoongi's face scrunched in a grimace .

' Yes you did . I wonder what they're doing in there so long ' Namjoon sat down on the nearest surface , the tiny footrest. Yoongi laughed huskily . Namjoon's large frame looked funny compared to the small piece of furniture and he looked like he was sitting down to beg , crouched with arms out.

' Hoshiki and Taetae? I have a plan for them . ' yoongi whispered . Namjoon perked up immediately.

' what kind? ' Namjoon's hand spread on his own thigh as he leaned towards Yoongi. ' a game . I'll suggest a game. Then we'll all agree to play '

' how's that helping ? ' he asked Yoon as he curled his lip in , trying to understand and foresee what next. With a sexy brain like his he mostly predicted things beforehand.

' I'll dare one of them. I need respite from them treading on this tightrope. They're literally seconds away from breaking into something sexual. '

' we need to break the dam. If something isn't done they'll pretend they hate each other. As if things aren't obvious ' Namjoon can see how the dare would work. It would clearly force one of their's restraint or guilt to snap.

' I'll dare one to kiss the other. Then we'll fuel the thing  to work by mocking! This'll work ' Yoon showed his gums in a smile so cute which was ironic as the devil already got to work.

' if this doesn't I'm throwing hands ' Namjoon gave an evil cackle so unlike his usual calm self.

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