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Hoseok's ankle touched his. His breath quickened. Was hoseok trying to initiate touch?

But Taehyung only forgot about everything for a second and moved his shoe away. It was just them sitting right opposite to each other . Shoes could touch. 

But they couldn't.  Hoseok sat extremely stiff throughout the time , with Taehyung only occasionally moving one muscle to eat at once. 

Taehyung woke up . He might think a lot about that one moment but he refused to admit that he dreamt about it too. 

' I thought that I warned you ' he said that night , Yoongi in the mirror next to him. Their eyes met through the reflection,  Taehyung tensing with the oncoming conversation. 

' You can't decide that , I can't decide that- I just started liking him. What does this have to do with Hoseok ' Yoongi had a calm voice , from their years of friendship Taehyung trained to listen to his voice with the slightest change he recognized the stressing.

' I know! I won't stop you but Hoseok is weird. He is anti social  , he smiles a lot , is good with people and interacts well. But trust me , his presence will be looming like a ghost tagging along , if you get serious with his friend.  ' Taehyung tried not to bring up anything else but tell him from observation .

' It wouldn't change a thing , I know he is close. ' and it escalated from there.

' It would! He might be closeted! I think it's unrequited ! You don't know , I warn you to get out of it before anything happens ! ' Taehyung was trying his best.

' nonsense! You don't know a thing - don't assume stuff! I for know sure he is not closeted,  he is sincere about one girl. I mean he was- they just.... '

' they just, what!?' Taehyung's heart dropped somewhere he didn't know. 

' broke up last month. You know I went for a convention. On the way I stopped on the highway , went to a mini store for gum and ended up overhearing everything. ' Yoongi curled his lips inward feeling guilty .

' how, did it happen in front of you ? ' Taehyung turned more curious by the second. 

' I went inside the store , hoseok got condoms , I thought I'll tease him but next second he got a call. So I followed him to the café near . I didn't call him until I witnessed the whole thing. She broke off with just a coffee. I stood there looking at him break piece by piece not knowing what to do. I held a hand over my mouth and before I knew it I had come back to my car and driven away . ' 

Taehyung felt a little dizzy with the information , and feelings contradicted to his thoughts he felt satisfied inside but uneasy with Yoongi seeing that . 

' I see. ' Taehyung looked absently at the tap thinking how hoseok must have felt. 

' it wasn't my thing in the first place to tell you , but since you are acting so irritated with my friendship I had to defend it ' 

' I'm still opposed to your friendship. Just to be sure I'll do some inspection . I hate people like them. He's probably stuck up with his past and being a raincloud ' 

' No he isn't,  I've never seen you this defensive , are you enemies or something ?' 

' we are nothing but acquaintance, but just know that I don't like him or his business. He is a snob to me , I'm a stranger to him. ' 

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