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' shhh shhh ' Yoongi quiets Namjoon. They stand round the living room table waiting for Hoseok and Tae to notice.

' do you want something? ' Taehyung asks them seeing both standing weirdly. Hoseok stands at a distance like he's a repulsive magnet .

' let's play truth and dare. It's been so long ' Hoseok looks at yoongi like he said something gibberish. ' last time we played it was highschool- who even- '

Yoongi shows him a hand ✋ ' just listen . It's been boring cleaning so much I want to do something else '

Namjoon nods too . ' say what nam? ' Yoongi asks . ' yes let's play I've no problem '

' Tae do you want to say something ?' Yoongi asks and Taehyung shrugs.

' Okay let's start . ' they use the wine bottle turning it around. Namjoon asks a few random questions and everyone keeps picking truth.

' I've another idea , let's do only dares. Whoever will fail will have to drink the strongest Soju ' everyone looks at one another exchanging glances. They avoid Yoongi's gaze as the eldest is acting commanding.

They ask Taehyung to balance a book on his head and keep it there till the next time he asks a question. If he drops it'll result in another dare. Taehyung does not hesitate and takes up the challenge.

Namjoon brings the Soju and then dares Hoseok to sink his nose in his sock. Hoseok looks at the Soju then at the sock. He decides the sock and shoves it to his nose. He immediately regrets and makes a gagging sound.

Then Yoongi is dared by Hoseok to tear off a few hairs from his legs. Hoseok pulls off two hairs from the otherwise clean leg and Yoongi bites back his lip and curses. He then slides the trouser leg back down.

After few more dares Taehyung gets the chance to ask . He keeps the book down and cracks his neck to relieve his pain. He kept at the same position for a very long time.

' I dare you to massage my back ' he dares Namjoon. Namjoon easily complies with such an easy dare . ' wait I didnt finish . While you have a mouthful of water and till I say stop ' Namjoon suspects something but it sounds really easy. So he doesn't stop himself. He starts it .

' Ahh . Please more . Harder please , right there ' Taehyung moans loudly . He grunts and groans until Namjoon almost sprays the water out and chokes on it .

' You lost ' Taehyung laughs and Namjoon gulps it down and erupts into a fit of short breaths and laughs.

Hoseok can't resist it and they all laugh at their dirty minds. Then Yoongi Hoseok and Taehyung play with Namjoon watching. Namjoon drinks the Soju and is a little tipsy. He doesn't have a problem with the taste but it burns his tongue.

Yoongi gets to give a dare to Hoseok then . Suddenly Yoongi looks at Namjoon and they talk in signals.
' finally getting back at you for pulling out my hair! ' Yoongi growls.

' yah Hyung it was the game rule ! ' ' hah rule I see , now you will do the rule , Yeah I dare you to kiss Taehyung! '

Hoseok's world comes to a screeching halt. Kiss who? Taehyung? What the heck is Yoongi Hyung saying .

' what are you even asking . I can't do it ' Hoseok reaches for the Soju but Namjoon takes it away from his hands reach.

' He can't do it this isn't fair deal we gave easy dares! ' Taehyung speaks up.

' don't be like this you're acting like your lips are virgin , have you never kissed or what? ' Namjoon tries.

' No I have it's just..... ( Breathes out a sigh ) never kissed someone from work.. it feels unethical you know' Hoseok says and Taehyung's silence bothers him all the more

' don't be a scaredy cat a dare won't hurt you ' Yoongi chides and Hoseok looks helplessly at the bottle.

' such a chicken ' Yoongi teases. Namjoon snickers. Taehyung looks at him with an unreadable expression. As if Tae can't fathom this happening.

Hoseok sits up straight . He squares his shoulders and pulls himself closer to Taehyung's side . The little gap doesn't help as Taehyung pulls closer from the other side. They come close little by little until it's too close for comfort. Hoseok's side touches Taehyung's and Taehyung's heart is doing a small frenzy sort of thing.

Hoseok pastes a cool expression and is poker-faced . Taehyung looks like he's scared , excited and wide-eyed at the same time. Taehyung has to force himself from curling his lip inward trying to save this for other times.

Hoseok acts like he has no choice and dives in. He brings his face forward and shuts his eyes. He's really doing this. It's just a dare it doesn't mean anything , nothing changes after this. Taehyung shuts his eyes , bracing for the impact or whatever he imagines is going to happen after this.

His expression tight , Taehyung waits for Hoseok's face to come further. They start slow , a few seconds before Hoseok's breath is fanning Taehyung's upper lip. Taehyung breaks out into goosebumps as Hoseok presses chastely a full lip. Taehyung has his lips shut tight , their lips seal for a second and as quickly as it starts it ends as Hoseok separates and moves away.

Taehyung is panting. Literally panting very small breaths , that aren't noticeable unless paid attention.

Hoseok laughs it off and they start playing again. Hoseok's heart is trying to beat out of his chest . But Hoseok acts like he's gotten over it in a few seconds.

Taehyung takes his time. Calms himself . It was as if something precious was lost , something new began.

The game passes by in a blur , every moment all the more blurry . Yoongi avoids all the dares he gets of sitting on Namjoon's lap , licking Taehyung's toes. He slurs as the strong Soju's influence kicks in.

Hoseok speaks up finally ' Taehyung-ah -

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