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' I need you to tell me the truth ' Hoseok was furious. Jungkook was dating a man and he didn't know . The sudden realisation that this was real , Jungkook didn't tell him and he had to find out this way. It made him shaky with anger and fear.

' I swear to God, we didn't do anything . I didn't do anything ! We were just- just.... testing things by by trying 'it was hard for Jungkook to form words. Hoseok walked in on something he never in his dreams would have thought of sharing with Hoseok.

Let alone share with hoseok , he decided to never bring it up even in the darkest moments in his mind. A grim split of a second , he used the tongue and it all came to a halt.

Oh , how he repented his actions . How could he hope for something like this. It was good for the time it happened. It left a disgusting stain to his pristine reputation.

' Maniac! You neither share nor care! Do you know what happens to people like this? They end up excluded from society!' Hoseok's tone was turning from hurt to pleading in one breath and it scared Jungkook from the pit of his stomach. He felt his heart drop.

' They'll never accept you. You realise that , do you? What will everyone say? ' Hoseok's each word was like a throb in his ear.

' But I was just trying it's nothing serious ' Jungkook tried defending which ended up in getting a finger on his lips. Hoseok's slender finger was barely pressing but it's soft touch felt like a flinch . He retracted his hand as if electrocuted.

Jungkook couldn't keep his eyes up . Hoseok was flinching from him. It felt like a vital part of him was snatched as hoseok looked at him with heinous eyes that were a mix of pitiful and sad. He cared a lot , nothing changed about that .

Jungkook didn't get a different treatment from hoseok after that . To his relief they didn't bring it up again.

Hoseok couldn't stop thinking deeply about the consequences. If he was there instead of Jungkook what he would have done. Maybe run away. A very long distance and never look back.

It started pervading his life in more ways than he wanted to allow.

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