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Hoseok can't stop thinking about that kiss. It's tormenting him in ways he didn't think it would. It doesn't help that Taehyung is almost everywhere he goes.

Whenever Taehyung comes into his view his lips tingle with the feeling. Warm but slightly chapped lips tightly shut , trembling. That touched his lips.  Hoseok never realised how starved he was of this contact until it happened.

Every subtle touch sends some alarming signal to his brain , this is a man . Hoseok is thinking and thinking in circles about a man's kiss. It's a terrifying yet exciting feeling.

Taehyung's pinky very slightly grazes his thumb when they collect the papers from the Xerox machine. And as much Hoseok liked to act unaffected , Taehyung couldn't . He shut his eyes and pulled his lower lip under his teeth. His pained expression expressed agitation to the fullest . It's like he's itching for doing something, anything.

Hoseok's eyebrows draw together. Why are things so weird between them now , will he ever be able to talk to Taehyung the same? Didn't he hate Taehyung a few weeks ago?

' I just got the wrong papers xeroxed ' Taehyung said , Hoseok had zoned out and Taehyung realised his annoyed face , and frown. So this was the reason Taehyung had that kind of expression— Hoseok internally laughed .

' I thought you're bothered by something , it was this ' Hoseok reasoned and decided to go out. Taehyung had to look away , he was itching to talk to Hoseok. To make a joke about their incident like it was such a funny dare.

Truth be told Taehyung was scared , is still scared . He's never felt deeply attracted to anyone. He isn't sure he's attracted to Hoseok , yet the kiss affected him. It was a new experience.  Alienated to it , Taehyung had no way to approach this situation.

Taehyung didn't trust himself , his feelings. He's always believed that these attractions beyond the usual are some exceptional mental illness. It feels– feels.... strange.

Hoseok is daydreaming very often . Certainly that's impacting his job. Daydreams are usually pleasant , escapes from reality. But Hoseok was drifting into another reality.

This reality was different , much violent . And Hoseok regrets it , when Taehyung gathers him in his arms , Hoseok's fists hit his chest . He keeps his palms closed into balls , and he can't open them as Taehyung traps him in a gaze. Taehyung pulls him close with a force he jolts in his hold , Hoseok is lightheaded as his face comes close to Taehyung. He can't look anywhere , molding into Taehyung's grip as he feels the intensity of Taehyung's want. Giving in to the condition he finds himself in , he gives up any tries to push Taehyung away. It's like he's wanted it but never acted on it , it relieves him when Taehyung's breath is close , falling on him. Taehyung's losing his breath , it makes Hoseok even more weak seeing Taehyung's panting into his mouth , he opens his mouth and waits , waits so patiently. Taehyung mouth will slot with his , his tongue will belong in his mouth , take over his tongue , fight him and make him helpless.

They're touched , plastered onto each other. Hoseok's sharp hip bone is touching Taehyung's upper thigh. Hoseok's pressing into Taehyung's frame. He's feeling impatient , restlessness filling him as he prioritises his urge.

He's desperate as Taehyung teases and rubs his lip onto Hoseok's , feather light. Hoseok's going to start begging—

The tap on his shoulder interrupts him. He's so embarrassed , as he looks back into his work , he's dosing during work– not a new thing , but in a new way. He just hopes no one ever reads his mind.

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