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He peeked at the clock using one eye
Hoseok did not feel like getting out of bed.  So he stayed home again. It was his first full week of leave mid workdays. He held the blanket tighter to his body , soft sheets melding onto his body.

The sheer silk pyjama set wrapped around him well , he buried himself like a cocoon . Before long he drifted off to sleep back again. The sunlight steadily changed , and it was afternoon.

Someone banged the door , loud knock waking hoseok up. Hoseok sat up with an extremely bad headache . His head felt lighter as he got up from the bed and looked at the peep hole . His eyes were still hazy from sleep so he couldn't recognise him at first.

He focused on the features of the man , the fingers wrapped around a bottle , standing too close to the door to even show his face properly.

When he banged the door a second time , Hoseok was startled- with his face in view now hoseok's mind went blank. He panicked at his state and started to fidget through his things. He picked out the next closest thing  , the coat on the hatstand. He put it on and hurriedly opened the door.

' Oh ! Hello , Jungkook told me that you're sick'
His voice was like melting chocolate. It was velvet smooth. For the first time hoseok heard taehyung speak so softly.

' yeah ' hoseok's voice came out raspy and scratchy-  he immediately grimaced.
' Were you going somewhere? ' Taehyung asked as he bit the inside of his cheek. 
' No !  not at all ' he looked tired , taehyung could tell.

' you should rest , how're you feeling?' Taehyung tried to check his forehead feeling it with the back of his hand.

Hoseok felt his hand and tried to move away from it. But taehyung already touched him.

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