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' wait what? ' Taehyung was calling him in between the chattering crowd. ' you were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago!' He was screaming from the other side of the line , trying to be heard. ' I'll be there in ten minutes ' 'Oh Taehyung! NOT YOU!' the line went off cutting Taehyung's reply.

' I can't believe I agreed to this . ' Jimin said adjusting his collar and loosening his tie. ' Well neither can I , but I think we are late ' Taehyung was confused.

' Not you,  I am late.  He thought we won't make up before going there so he must've called me a little ago. I texted him I'll be late ' Jimin cleared.

' dumb. He called me up saying I am the one late ' Taehyung laughed for the first time in front of Jimin. Neither had made eye contact since the evening started. 

' thankfully you decided to let go of your ego and call me back to your place "Jiminahhh pleease " ' Jimin said mimicking his voice.

Taehyung decided to laugh it off even if a ' tch tch 'full of sass was going to escape. 

' Taehyung please be on your best behavior,  he likes him. I think they are almost a thing ' Jimin tried to gesture using his hands.  Taehyung's eyebrow almost crossed his forehead it went so high up. He questioned whatever Jimin meant by ' a thing ' .

They navigated through the tables to their reserved one , greeting not just one but three faces.  Taehyung's mouth just fell agape.

' Yoonggg , huh ?! Jimin couldnt stop the flabbergasted sound from coming . ' hiiiiiiii ! Guys , meet Jeon and his friend Hoseokie ' 

𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬? Taehyung thought.

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