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Proofreading by one and only @BONNoBONNoYa


Jungkook waits for Hoseok to wake up.

" You've been sluggish lately , have you got something going on? " , Jungkook patted the sleepy Hoseok on his cheek. 

Hoseok pouted in his sleepy state , through partially closed eyes he saw Jungkook's blurry face trying to comprehend what he was saying.

" nevermind , I'm going out make up your mind . I already did " Jungkook swung and fidgeted the keys among his fingers . He walked away.

Hoseok squinted and in his gravely morning voice hummed approval . He forced himself to wake up , shorts bunching up and overriding his thigh. He tiptoed his way on the cold floor and stood in front of the bathroom mirror looking at his face .

make up my mind ? how can I do that ... when I'm not sure how to face anyone without feeling sick.

Hoseok splashed water onto his face and cleansed it , beginning another day before it was time .

Time for the buisness trip he had to take . Jungkook repeatedly asked him when Hoseok replied with , " I need to think – there's work here too. "

Hoseok was unsure , if he could face everyone – all the time , every hour. That's what the trip meant .

till now he was feeling blithe , comfortable in the times he could spend at home. Dreadful at work.

Jungkook noted the drastic similarity in the last time Hoseok was this sluggish .

The time Hoseok just got out of a relationship . He had to discuss it with someone now.

" We need to do something. " , Jungkook slammed a light slap on the table to bring the other's attention to the topic.

Jimin was co-operative to say at the least , with constant texts lighting up the phone he held and his typing at lightning speed ... he was surprisingly paying attention . " I know , that's what I had said first when I approached you " , " but what? what do we do? " , Jungkook was in a dilemma , with Jimin feeding updates about Taehyung , Jungkook didn't know anyway to ease the situation.

" Only thing for now you can do is coax him to come to the trip . First step is done , you are going with him . " , Jimin recited the plan with nonchalant grace .

" I agreed to go with a believable reason but coaxing him is difficult,  don't  want to raise any suspicion " , Jungkook twirled the straw suckling it between his lower lip and bunny teeth .

" Oh ... trust me , you won't " Jimin swiped away and put his phone down.  " You just need to do it discreetly . While he isn't paying much attention . Take him out or something. " , Jimin tried to teach Jungkook his ways .

" I understand there's something between them even if it's not clear . what is our purpose? " , he scratched his chin wondering deeper into it.

" don't think too hard , I think we are just creating a confluence sort for them . They need a route for their feelings to flow . They clearly aren't good at expressing it " , Jimin explained looking into his eyes and Jungkook was impressed.

" So I'm ready . but how will you know things from afar? ", Jungkook had to ask because till now he had his company but on the trip , Jimin wouldn't relay updates  .

" I know that it's not reasonable for me to go with you people because I am not really related to the work , but you are , so I'm trusting you. And about Tae , you need to keep an eye on his actions , I'll try to predict him . "

Jungkook accepted the circumstances . He turned his focus to the work . Jimin waved sweetly while leaving.

Jungkook doesn't understand how Jimin was so emotionally intelligent.

He comes back after a little tour of current situation of the industry , so he could work along with them .

" could you , maybe run the shower for me ? " Hoseok says , still in his shorts from the morning .

" It's evening , you didn't .... go to work? " Jungkook trails off , seeing the suitcases Hoseok was packing .

" I said yes , to them . They gave me a day off , I took it today . " Hoseok organises his things in a line . Keeping his bed clean .

" You didn't shower yet you smell so good ?  " Jungkook nosed his way onto Hoseok's shoulder .

" unh quit that , I'm still dirty from the morning " , Hoseok rubbed the spot . Jungkook went to the bath to start it . he secretly rejoiced while testing the hot water flow.

'He has agreed' , a text leaves Jungkook's phone to Jimin .

Jungkook turns to his side of the bed and rolls around as he thinks of Jimin's reply with a thumbs up , ruining the neatly spread bed Hoseok had made.

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