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Hoseok waits for the bus . gently prying the leather messenger bag he looks at his safely kept papers. After crosschecking he waits again , and within a few minutes there's his bus.

When Hoseok is getting home and loosening his shirt buttons , getting the key ready — he doesn't expect Taehyung to be sitting on the stairs in front of his apartment .

He ignores the man and doesn't spare a glance.  Taehyung looked tired and it wasn't until Hoseok had clicked open the doorlock , Taehyung looked up from his slouched position.

" Hoseok ! Hyung– please ! " Taehyung loudly speaks up and Hoseok shuts the door behind .

He rings the bell twice , feeling impatient . Taehyung is stubborn and decided , they need to talk – he can't get ignored like this for weeks and months to come by.

He is willing to wait as Hoseok refuses to open the door. He knocks harsh and booming. the blows resonating on the hardwood door.

" Please " Taehyung connects his cheek to the door and pleads. Pleads particularly nothing , the nothing being understood by Hoseok.

Hoseok stands on the other side . He doesn't know what he should do. He was never ready for this. He doesn't want the thing to go any further. He touches his back to the door. He hears Taehyung plead once again. He can't stop himself as he palms his face in his hands.

Hoseok slides down onto the floor. Dry sobs run through his body like a wave. He shakes as he lets out a silent cry. He holds his mouth to be the quietest he can.

Taehyung gives another loud knock. Sensing no reply he pleads louder.

" Just listen to me " his voice cracks in the end . Hoseok doesn't feel anymore sobs , he tiredly stands.

He is ready to face whatever this is. He opens the door and braces himself to listen. Taehyung must have suffered so much more being ignored and not treated like a human by Hoseok. Hoseok thinks guiltily but reasons with his fear.

Taehyung crashes onto the floor in front of Hoseok’s feet . He weakly looks up as Hoseok gathers him in his arms.

" Oh God " it escapes Hoseok naturally as Taehyung barely stands up . But then Taehyung is gripping on his frame , hugging his body hard . Hoseok doesn't feel anything at first but then the warm tears wet his shoulder . He hugs back , arms tightly wrapping around Taehyung’s back.

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